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它就好比惠普云中的结缔组织。Think of it as the connective tissue for HP's cloud.

而其中最容易出错的是蕴涵联结词。Of them the connective implication is easily mistaken.

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右边是致密的粉红色结缔组织硬脑膜。Note the dense pink connective tissue dura at the right.

这是一种结缔组织细胞,叫做成纤维细胞This is a cell from connective tissue called a fibroblast.

在这个谎言的真皮组成的结缔组织。Under this lies the dermis consisting of connective tissue.

有未被控制的自身免疫或结缔组织疾病。Have an uncontrolled autoimmune or connective tissue disease.

较厚的色素痣中可有神经及结缔组织成分。Thicker moles also contain nerve elements and connective tissue.

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锻炼的肌肉,需要要较厚的结缔组织。As the muscle is exercised, thicker connective tissue is required.

成纤维细胞是,出现在结缔组织中的特化细胞Fibroblasts are specialized cells that exist in connective tissues.

井道安全部件、底坑安全部件安装到位,安全路导通。The safety part in hoistway and pit is finished, safety loop is connective.

对我来说,迷上一个足球队始终是我生命的结缔组织。For me, following one soccer team has been the connective tissue of my life.

如果不治疗,这种病会损害下巴的骨骼和结缔组织。Untreated, the condition damages the bones and connective tissue in the jaw.

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犯罪与道德是互相对立而又相互联系的矛盾体。Crime and moral exist in a connective form of both contact and contradiction.

注意乳突状结构周围的细胞都有粘液样结缔组织核心。Note the cells around papillations that have a myxoid connective tissue core.

支持这一系统的是一深层结缔组织称为基质。Supporting this network is a deeper layer of connective tissue called stroma.

在盲肠的嗜银细胞主要分布在结缔组织内。The argyrophil cells in the cecum mainly distribute in the connective tissue.

药隔维管束韧皮部的伴胞解体。The abortion of companion cell of phloem of anther connective vascular bundle.

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欢迎来到“连接主义和知识连接线上课程”的课程维基界面。Welcome to the 'Connectivism and Connective Knowledge Online Course' support wiki.

肌肉连接组织的损伤包括肌腱、韧带和肌鞘。The injuries of connective tissue included tendons, ligaments and the muscle sheaths.

马凡氏综合症是基因型结缔组织病。Marfan's Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the connective tissue in the body.