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我们曾看过他的一七五八年的碑志。We saw his gravestone in 1758.

她的墓碑上只是简单的写着“母亲”两个字。Her gravestone was simply marked, "Mother."

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墓碑上刻着,我告诉过你我那时病了。On the gravestone it says I told you I was sick.

世兴石业的第一个墓碑工厂开办于1998年。Shixing's first gravestone factory was started in 1998.

墓碑上的字母随着时间已经磨掉了。The letters on the gravestone have worn away with time.

的风雨冲蚀了墓碑上的名字。Time and wea ther have worn off the name on the gravestone.

新教教堂外的纽埃国王法塔基的墓碑。Gravestone of Fataaki, king of Nieue, outside Ekalesia Church.

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这种稳定性就是制造毫无生命的星球的墓石。Such stability was a clear gravestone marking a lifeless planet.

特蕾西的墓碑上刻有一辆沿着山路向下疾驶的小轿车。Carved on Tracy's gravestone is a car rolling down a mountain road.

在税收大道上,严肃的旅行者勇敢地跳过墓碑。On Revenue Avenue, the grave traveler jumped the gravestone bravely.

在稿收大道上,严肃的旅行者勇敢地跳过墓碑。On Revenue avenue, the grave traveler jumped the gravestone bravely.

在税收大道上,严肃地旅行者勇敢地跳过墓碑。On Revenue avenue, the grave traveler jumped the gravestone bravely.

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他注意到了那情妇的墓碑。He noticed the mistress’s gravestone. “She wasn’t a target of opportunists, too?”

1848年,瑟吉夫王子被葬在了他心爱的苹果树下,墓碑至今依稀可见。The prince was buried under his beloved tree in 1848, and his gravestone is still visible today.

在录像“冰雹玛丽”的名义发行的卡维里,有一块墓碑,卡维里说。In the video "Hail Mary" released under the name Makaveli, there is a gravestone that says Makaveli.

可能是某人以讽喻的口气,刻下此话暗示文化的死亡。It could be someone in a kind of an allegorical mood inscribing on the gravestone the death of culture.

一个棺材形状的碑石上刻有舵和锚,正清楚地向人诉说着自己的身世。One coffin-shaped gravestone has a rudder-and-anchor sculpture on it indicating clearly to whom it belongs.

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新墓碑上沾满泥土,坟墓上有一个坑,里面灌满了水。The new gravestone was stained with mud, and there was a shallow hole in the grave, where the water had poured in.

如果你有机会去帖木儿陵墓,一定要把注意力放在那个玉制的墓碑上。When you have opportunity to be in the Mausoleum of Timur "Gur-Emir, be sure to pay attention to jade gravestone."

假设司徒的草图画的是对的,佬司相信这墓碑是指向宝藏的线索。Assuming Stüblein’s sketch is accurate, Lars believed the gravestone was a clue that pointed the way to the treasure.