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那丫鬟小心翼翼地回道。That servant girl gingerly returns to way.

他小心翼翼地走过那腐烂的地板。He walked gingerly over the rotten floorboard.

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我们必须极其小心地探索这个可能性。We had to explore this possibility very gingerly.

年迈的篮球明星会因膝盖的伤痛步履蹒跚。The old basketball star walks gingerly on aching knees.

他捡回了那些宝贝,小心翼翼的把他们带回了家。He put the treasures inside and carried it home gingerly.

轻舔开裂的上唇,我又尝到血腥味。I tasted blood again, gingerly touched my split upper lip.

狄宁深吸一口气,小心翼翼地踏进拱门。Dinin took a deep breath and gingerly stepped to the archway.

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亚茨拉斐尔眨眨眼,放下手,小心翼翼的打开车门。Aziraphale blinked, lowered his hands, and gingerly opened the door.

达谷恩小心翼翼的回到家里,迎来了顾曼的怒火和离婚的要求。Da GuEn gingerly back home, ushered in the Gu Man anger and divorce.

我点了点头,把婚纱拢在一起,小心翼翼地下到人行道上。I nodded, gathering my dress and stepping gingerly onto the sidewalk.

男人就像舞台上的演员,在钢丝上战战兢兢的往前挪步。Man acts like an actor on stage, standing on string, moving forward gingerly.

我走出来,小心翼翼地坐在长椅的毛巾上,两腿交叉紧紧地夹住。I emerged and gingerly sat down on the towel on the couch, legs tightly crossed.

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然后她小心翼翼地将裂口周围松动的油漆薄片用液体粘合剂固定起来。Then she gingerly secured the loose paint flakes around the rip with a liquid adhesive.

我小心翼翼地站起来,扶着墙,看着地,走着外八字,小心的滑起来。I gingerly to stand up and embracing the wall, watching, the walk toe, carefully slip up.

我小心翼翼地将这只小壁虎带回家中,原想将它寄养在小瓶子里。I gingerly the little gecko home, the former would like it to foster care in the vial yard.

杰克将车停在港口,小心翼翼地接近那座仓库,手中拿着枪随时准备着。Jack pulls up to the port, and gingerly approaches the warehouse with his gun at the ready.

与其它同路人,我小心翼翼地踏上一个大竹筏,以邮轮河中。With other fellow travelers, I gingerly stepped onto a big bamboo raft to cruise the river.

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小脚小心翼翼地踩在秋天的落叶上,发出清脆悦耳的响声,萦绕在耳畔。Foot gingerly stepping on the fallen leaves of autumn, a crisp sweet, lingering in the ears.

我们大胆地爬上倒下的树干,想把延伸的小道收入眼底。Gingerly we climbed over the fallen trunks, trying to keep the outline of the trail in sight.

然而,日本的散户们仍然只能小心翼翼返回自己的股市。Yet individual Japanese investors are still only gingerly returning to their own stockmarket.