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何丽明,出生及居于香港。Tammy Ho Lai-ming is Hong Kong-born and –based.

汤米·塔克试图系上塔米的海龟领带。Tommy Tucker tried to tie Tammy 's Turtles tie.

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谭米把湿衣服吊在晒衣绳上晾干。Tammy hung the wet laundry out on the clothesline to dry.

泰咪在桶子里面撞来撞去,就像罐子里的一分硬币一样。Inside the barrel Tammy knocked around like a penny in a jar.

水从裂缝里漏了进来,外面的水声则是大得要命,于是泰咪试着堵住耳朵。Water was leaking in the cracks. Tammy tried to plug her ears.

由于肢体残疾,谭美在爬楼梯时不太方便。Due to her physical disability, Tammy wa ' t able to climb ste very well.

学校刚开学,塔米就在好几节课上犯了一些小错误。School had started, and Tammy had brought home failing slips in several of her classes.

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凤凰城的房主汤米。伍德赞同次贷问题会影响整个社区的说法。Phoenix-area homeowner Tammy Woods agrees that mortgage problems can affect an entire community.

尼克的前辅导员坦米-布洛克说,许多像尼克这样的孩子,家里的生活状况一塌糊涂。Tammy Brock, one of Nick's former counselors, says lots of kids like Nick are living in "chaotic conditions."

泰咪爬进桶子,看着175英尺高的瀑布。他们盖上盖子,然后把她推了下去。Tammy climbed in to the barrel and looked over the 175-foot waterfall. They put on the lid and pushed her over.

还有塔米,塔米·达科沃斯在伊拉克驾驶一架黑鹰直升机的时候被RPG的炮火夺去了双腿。And there was Tammy, Lieutenant Colonel Tammy Duckworth lost her legs from RPG fire piloting a Black Hawk chopper in Iraq.

希拉里和我坐车到罗恩家去探望他的妻子阿尔玛和他的孩子特蕾西、迈克尔,以及迈克尔的妻子塔米。Hillary and I drove to Ron’s house to see his wife, Alma, and his children, Tracey and Michael, and Michael’s wife, Tammy.

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张虹在上海出生,香港长大,分别在香港及加拿大修读社会学和电影。Born in Shanghai and raised in Hong Kong, Tammy Cheung studied sociology at a local college and cinema at a university in Montreal.

即使我忽略苔米是个人类并且也拥有同样的情感的事实,我也不能否认我是嫉妒她的。Let’s put aside the fact that I know Tammy is human and probably has those feelings too. That wasn’t what I thought of after I realized I was jealous.

它寻找满足,里奥,泰米,亚当可以选择偿还债务以追寻简约的生活。Instead, it seeks contentment. Leo Babauta, Tammy Strobel, and Adam Baker have all paid off thousands of dollars in debt by embracing a minimalist life.

对于我来说,更少就意味着得到更多,因为我不想让我的大脑或家变得凌乱不堪。To me, less is more, because I don't want to clutter my mind or home. I have been influenced by minimalists Tammy Strobel, Courtney Carver, and Leo Babauta.

伯尼•彭暗中修改了女友塔米•李最喜欢的“戴首饰”游戏,让女友在游戏中累积到一定积分时,屏幕中会出现一枚戒指和一句求婚语。Peng reprogrammed Tammy Li's favorite video game, "Bejeweled, " so a ring and a marriage proposal would show up on the screen when she reached a certain score.

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朗奴和克斯汀娜是大学同学。他们和另一位朋友塔米一起合住一所房子。他们从小学就是好朋友。Ronald and Kristina are college students. They share a house with Tammy , another one of their friends. The three have been really good friends since grade school.

不论你对泰咪·温妮特所吟唱的歌词有何感触,不可否认的是这确实是一首真正的美国乡村经典乐曲,伴唱的合声好听而悠扬。No matter how you feel about the message of that Tammy Wynette tune, there is no denying that it is a real American country classic, with a great sing-along chorus.

汤米·琼斯,Manpower劳工战略部主管说,“全世界Gen-Yers全部都想要辞掉任何不能满足他们需要的工作。”Says Tammy Johns, Manpower's head of workforce strategy, "Gen-Yers around the world are absolutely willing to quit any job that doesn't offer everything they want."