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你觉得学生接受你的程度如何?How receptive do you find the students ?

求您保守我们常存受教和悔改的心。Please keep out hearts receptive and repentant.

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有时我会把我的手放到她温暖而无拒绝之意的手上。Sometimes I’d put my hand on her warm, receptive hand.

如果我们希望受到神的道的祝福,我们需要让自己变得善于接受。If we're going to be blessed by the Word of God, we need to be receptive.

而是当你微笑的时候,要发自内心,这样人们才更能接受你。When you smile on the inside, people are more receptive when you approach them.

这就降低了风险失踪花粉大棚在接受吐丝期。This reduces the risk of missing pollen shed during the receptive silking period.

一项研究表明,当人愤怒的时候,右耳对声音的接受更加主动。A study showed that when we're furious, this ear becomes more receptive to sound.

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她说狼蛛会“抚摸雌性的腿部”来确保她是否接受求爱。A tarantula, she says, will "stroke the female's legs" to ensure she is receptive.

接受提问,太好了“,我喜欢这条“,经常罗嗦冗长。Receptive to questions. Brilliant." I like that one. " " Often long-winded." Hmmm.

你认为这将使业务方更容易接纳你的建议么?Do you think that this will make the Business side more receptive to your SOE proposal?

等柯帕乌二次来麦克凯提家里的时候,麦克凯提心里已经愿意接受了。When Cowperwood next came to Mckenty's house the latter was in a receptive frame of mind.

神经元在上丘的上层有明确的接收区。Neurons in the upper layers of the superior colliculus have well-defined receptive fields.

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雌蕊花柱顶部,授粉时花粉被旋转于此。The receptive apex of the pistil of a flower, on which pollen is deposited at pollination.

在处理职工建议时,他们应是易于接近、有鉴别力和公平的。They should be receptive , appreciative, and fair when dealing with employee's suggestions.

这有助于微循环,使皮肤更容易接受你放上的任何东西。This helps the microcirculation , making the skin more receptive to whatever you put on it.

这类广告不仅能使受众的接受度大大提升,而且仍然是大家所乐意关注的领域。This is an area where the audience is far more receptive and still willing to pay attention.

冰岛人很可能接受帕度以英格兰球员为核心的模式。The Icelander is highly receptive to Pardew's vision of retaining an English core at his club.

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但法院似乎也有可能像通常那样,易于接受较为功能主义的理由。But it seems likely that courts will usually be receptive to more functional arguments as well.

然而,如果某家公司拥有世界级的技术,它将在中国发现一个对它敞开怀抱的市场。However, if a company has the world class technology, it will find a receptive market in China.

库柏联盟学院大会堂里满是学生和奥巴马的支持者,这些人对奥巴马的讲话反应热烈。The crowd at the Great Hall of Cooper Union, filled with students and supporters, was receptive.