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现在速度快一点。Now,moving faster.

比傅里叶更快?Faster than Fourier?

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我开快一点。I will drive faster.

你能开快一点吗?Can you drive faster?

我必须跑快些。I have to run faster.

是学得更快了吗?更好了吗?Or better? Or faster?

你能开快些吗?Could you drive faster?

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史蒂文一定得快点儿。Steven has to go faster.

能再开快些吗?Can you drive any faster?

有没有快一点儿的班次?Are there any faster ones?

他比别人跑得快。He runs faster than others.

他比你跑得快得多。He runs far faster than you.

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露西比梅梅跑得快。Lucy ran faster than Meimei.

手指甲比脚指甲长得快。Fingernails grow faster than.

光比声音传播速度快。Light goes faster than sound.

现在让我们读得稍快一些。Now, let's read a bit faster.

这对于一个设备来说太快了。It's a lot faster of a device.

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这将帮助我们更快地动起来。This will help us move faster.

胜利并非总是属于更强和更快的人To the stronger and faster man

小婴儿的心跳是比较快的。Babie's heart beats are faster.