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这就是为什么代尔ARGO计划销售的情况非常自豪地目前最优秀的全地形车的任何地方。That's why Adair ARGO Sales is so very proud to present the finest ATVs anywhere.

支持ARGO计划的地理信息系统平台能分析处理海量的海洋信息。The GIS software that support ARGO program can analysis a great lot of data in ocean.

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从设计和技术要求设置任何羊八井除了“亚视”在市场上。Design and technology set the ARGO apart from anything called "ATV" in the marketplace.

这是詹妮弗。阿狗和她的同事宣称的,詹妮弗在艾伯特大学教商业学。That's what Jennifer Argo and her colleagues say. she teaches business at the University of Albert.

翌日,阿格号到达有如两个坚固的塔一般矗立在海上的「怪二子岩」。The next day, the Argo reached the Symplegades, which rose up out of the sea like two strong towers.

应用Argo剖面浮标观测的温、盐度资料,分析了西北太平洋海域冬、夏季的温、盐度分布、水团结构及其分布。The temperature and salinity profiles of the ARGO floats in the warm pool of the northwestern Pacific were analyzed.

莱尔顿这套系列的第五本书将读者带到南座船二代船员和地球母亲盖亚之间的战争。The fifth book in Riordan's hit series launches the reader right in the middle of the Argo II crew's battle with the earth mother, Gaia.

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本文主要介绍了ARGO计划的最新研究进展,并分析了我国参加ARGO计划的必要性与紧迫性。In this paper, the latest study information of ARGO plan is introduced, and the necessity and urgency for China to join the plan are analyzed.

MGAME公司认为,今年第二季度上半年业绩不好的原因是旗下现有游戏的整体销售额减少和新网络游戏的上市推迟。CEO of MGAME showed that the performance of the company would be improved by the coming new games in the second half, including ARGO and Valiant, as well as overseas market.

研究结论可为科学地指导上虞地区农业生产工作提供科学依据。In this paper, argo -geologic environment survey is used in the work of regional agriculture development, which provides scientific grounds for agricultural spatial arrangement.

全球海洋ARGO资料的获取为气候预测的研究提供了前所未有的海洋资料。The acquirement of the global ARGO data provides unprecedented ocean data for researches on the climate prediction, a tropical dynamic ocean-statistical atmospheric coupled model is set up.

阿狗说零售商仅仅通过让雇员梳洗穿戴整洁就可以使得它们的普通商品的销售区域显得更加的整洁。Argo says that retailers can still get more appearance connected sales mileage from their average-looking stuff just by making sure the employees stay well-groomed to give a natty appearance.

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通过比较应用和未应用ARGO资料改进的海洋模式,进行了耦合模式的长期回报试验。The ocean part is ZebiakCane oceanic model in which the subsurface temperature parameterization scheme is improved based on the ARGO data. The longterm hindcasts are done using the coupled model.