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参禅亦称坐禅。Zen meditation is called Zazen.

这些天,我用锻炼来代替打坐。These days, exercise is my zazen.

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打坐基本上就是坐着。Zazen is basically the center of Zen practice.

坐禅需要一丝不苟,细节是关键。Zazen is meticulous work and details are important.

坐禅的时候要坐得舒服,这样才可以坐得久而不挪位。You need to be as comfortable as possible during zazen so that you can sit without moving.

就像一些禅宗大师,他们自吹已经打坐多长时间了,而你的打坐时间并不在点上。It’s like some “zen masters” that brag about how long they sit in zazen. How long you sit is not the point.

除了上面提到的打坐以外,清洁和烹饪也是禅僧每天最荣耀的部分。Aside from the zazen mentioned above, cooking and cleaning are to of the most exalted parts of a Zen monk's day.

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除了前文提到的打坐之外,打扫和做饭也是一个僧人一天生活的重要组成部分。Aside from the zazen mentioned above, cooking and cleaning are to of the most exalted parts of a Zen monk’s day.

有些人到了坐禅打坐会话,因为他们喜欢的形式,和其他形式,尽管在来。Some people come to the zazen meditation sessions because they like the forms, and others come in spite of the forms.

在亚洲东南部国家的学生经常打坐,并且长期以来效果很好。Students in some southeastern Asian countries do zazen meditation and it has been shown to have long-term positive effects.

只要是可行的,对孩子安全的行为都值得尝试,就可以试着让学生把打坐冥想作为午休的一部分。As long as it is practical and does not put the students in danger, it is worth trying to introduce zazen meditation as part of the noon break at school.

除了前文提到的打坐之外,清扫和做饭也是禅僧一天生活的重要组成部分。Make cleaning and cooking become meditation . Aside from the zazen mentioned above, cooking and cleaning are to of the most exalted parts of a Zen monk's day.

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只要是可行的,对孩子安全的行为都值得尝试,就可以试着让学生把打坐冥想作为午休的一部分。Those students who are interested can try zazen meditation during the noon break while those prefering a nap should be provided with a quiet sleeping environment.

这个行为是可以理解的,并且应该得到赞赏,这所小学的校长用心良苦给学生们传授自己20年的坐禅冥想经验。It is understandable, and should be appreciated, that the principal of the elementary school introduced his 20-year experience of zazen meditation to his students with the best of intentions.

意味著只是坐在那个源头,而不移到任何地方,将会有一股很大的力量会产生,将能量蜕变成光和爱,蜕变成更伟大的生命,蜕变成慈悲和创造力。Zazen means just sitting at the very source, not moving anywhere, a tremendous force arises, a transformation of energy into light and love, into greater life, into compassion, into creativity.