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那么你可以买只宠物鬣蜥蜴给他。Well, you can buy him a pet iguana then.

他的左边坐着一只鬣蜥——他的宠物兼参谋。In his left sat an iguana , his pet and advisor.

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尽可能多地了解鬣蜥和鬣蜥照顾。Learn all you can about iguanas and iguana care.

鬣蜥蜴能结束自己的生命,方法还不清楚?。By some unknown means, an iguana can end its own life.

画中的三幅图表现的是,”桌子上的骷髅,鲨鱼颚和蜥蜴“。Shown here are Skull, Shark's Jaw and Iguana on a Table

巨型蟾蜍和安地斯山的鬣蜥是爬行动物的代表。The Giant Toad and Andean Iguana are some examples of reptiles.

这种鬣蜥是在寒冷的气候条件下发现的少数蜥蜴当中的一种。This iguana is one of the few lizards found in that cold climate.

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兄弟,你真棒!谢谢你愿意照顾我的蜥蜴一整周。Dude. You rock. Thanks for offering to watch my pet iguana all week.

艾亚帕克和鬣蜥是将会继承权利的人类形象。Aia Paec and Iguana were roles that living people would have inherited.

所以,你刚才有你的第一个绿色鬣蜥和你有很多的问题。So, you just got your first green iguana and you have lots of questions.

如果他还没有死翘翘,他很可能在卖他的蜥蜴串。He'll probably be selling those Iguana Bits of his till he keels over dead.

不过我们得把鬣蜥蜴扛回去,而且宠物店可能不会让我们这么做。But I know we'd have to take the iguana back. And the pet store might not let us.

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通过或挽救一个鬣蜥可能是一个非常有趣和有益的经验。Adopting or rescuing an iguana can be a very interesting and rewarding experience.

您还需要确认您的家庭生活的准备与鬣蜥以及!You will also need to make sure your family is prepared to live with an iguana as well!

在伦敦动物园�,一个玩具“机械迅猛龙”和一只真的犀牛鬣蜥遭遇面对面的“对峙”。The toy "Roboreptile" came face to face with a real Rhinoceros Iguana at the london Zoo.

当然妈妈想象一个六英尺长鬣蜥生活吃出来的房子和家庭。Of course Mom imagines life with a six-foot-long iguana eating them out of house and home.

然后,一天,我买了小鬣蜥,不一样的鬣蜥,我写之前,这是一个新的。Then, one day, I bought a small iguana , not the same iguana I wrote about before, this was a new one.

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在尤卡坦半岛东海岸外科苏梅尔岛近距离捕捉到一只彩色大蜥蜴的影像。A colorful iguana is captured up close on Cozumel Island off the eastern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula.

你能理解,一个鬣蜥是力图成为世界的一部分,尽管大规模的差异?Can you comprehend that an iguana is trying hard to be a part of your world, despite the massive differences?

你朝房间角落看去,看见你的宠物鬣蜥伊格那蒂乌斯正在自己的架子上熟睡。You look over to the corner of your room and see that ignatius your pet iguana is sound asleep up on his shelf.