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她放弃异教而改信基督教。She abandoned paganism for Christianity.

“政治宗教”这个提法不过是异教信仰与偶像崇拜做法的回归。His notion of political religion is one of a great regression to paganism and idol worship.

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而在第七章,我将回答为什么托尔金对北欧异教的喜爱超过了自己的宗教。In Chapter Seven, I will answer why Tolkien likes the old paganism much more than his own religion.

同时亦需从异教徒手中夺取领土,守卫这些土地上徵收之财富。Other pursuits include hording money from taxing the lands they liberate from the darkness of Paganism.

作为一个不纯正的犹太教徒的儿子和无神论者,我几乎不信教。The atheist son of nonpracticing Jews, I’m about as far from a Christian as you can get this side of paganism.

最后,大多数的基督徒同意降低他们的标准,于是基督教和异教团结起来了。Most of the Christians at last consented to lower their standard, and a union was formed between Christianity and paganism.

弥尔顿的诗歌偏离了基督教,走了我们可以不严谨的称为异教的方向。Milton has wrenched this poem away from Christianity, and he's forced it into a direction that we could loosely call paganism.

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评论界的一些人斥之为一部骇人听闻、荒谬绝伦、毫无意义的作品,小说充满阴森恐怖、病态心理和异教思想。This is a novel once was regarded as horrifying, ridiculous, meaningless and full of terror, ill mentality as well as paganism.

斯拉夫的吸血鬼传说起源于公元9世纪的一场基督教与其异教徒的冲突中。The origin of Slavic vampire myths developed during 9th C as a result of conflict between pre-Christian paganism and Christianity.

萨佛纳罗拉在佛罗伦萨待得越久,就越被周围性格的轻浮和异教信仰吓得惊愕不安。The longer Savonarola remained in Florence, the more he was dismayed by the lightness of character and paganism he saw all around him.

天主教教义总是被定义成一个介于“纯粹的”基督教和异教之间的折衷物——但,难道基督教就是它的理念所表述的那样?Catholicism is often designated as a compromise between "pure" Christianity and paganism -- but what, then, is Christianity at the level of its notion?

当克劳迪亚斯王发现瓦伦西的行为后,他先是试图使瓦伦丁皈依异教,然而瓦伦丁却将计就计,反过来要使克劳迪亚斯王改信基督教。When Claudius found out about Valentine, he first tried to convert him to paganism. But Valentine reversed the strategy, trying instead to convert Claudius.

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诗歌最后一部分采用挽歌的口吻意在,告诉我们打败异教后的成功,预示着基督即将诞生。The elegiac tone of this final section of the poem should give us some clues to the type of victory over paganism that Christ's birth is actually heralding here.

诗歌最后一部分采用挽歌的口吻意在,告诉我们打败异教后的成功,预示着基督即将诞生。The elegiac tone of this final section of the poem should give us some clues to the type of victory over paganism that Christ's birth is actually heralding here.

在1250年,北欧大陆被异教徒和基督徒之间的痛苦争斗所笼罩,一旦获得授权成立十字军,恐怖的条顿骑士团将发动一场恐怖的屠杀。In 1250, Northern Europe is locked in a bitter struggle between Paganism and Christianity, once ordained as a Crusade, it is now an unholy slaughter by the dreaded Teutonic order.

当马丁路德开始于1517年10月31日的改革和其后跟随着他的一些改革都与异教一起坚定地嵌入在罗马教廷中。When Martin Luther started the reformation on October 31st, 1517, and other reformers followed his lead, all of them took with them the paganism that was so firmly imbedded in Rome.

人名从民族信仰上分为非伊斯兰教和伊斯兰教两种,在含义上表现了哈萨克族坚韧耐劳、大方忠诚、英勇剽悍和能言善辩的民族特性。The names are divided into Islam and paganism from national belief, from its meanings expressing the character of Kazak which is of tenacity, generosity, loyalty, bravery and eloquence.

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“看林人”不仅体现着潘神般的自然野性与活力,而且作为狄安娜的守护神正是与现代工业文明对立的自然与异教精神的保护者。" the game keeper" not only embodies the Panic natural wild and vigor but also is exactly the patron saint of the paganism spirit and nature which is opposite to modern industry civilization.

不论你想写好任何形式的史诗,你都要接受一些不太恰当的异教信仰,违反一些基督教中好的教条,和过时的一神论思想。To write any kind of epic at all might very well seem to be embracing an inappropriately sensual paganism at the expense of the higher discipline of good, old-fashioned monotheistic Christianity.