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对宇宙毁灭性的制造空间垃圾。Destructively make room garbage to the cosmos.

我们调查和揭露非法采伐和破坏性采伐木材的贸易。We investigate and expose the trade in illegal and destructively logged timber.

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他们立刻毁灭别人的土地,盗窃别人的收成。They will not hesitate to destructively destroy that land and steal its harvests.

但当他们结合破坏性,倾角为响应可以更加严重。But when they combine destructively , the dip in response can be much more severe.

管理是破坏性的关键时失误,是造成倡议。Management that is destructively critical when mistakes are made kills initiative.

现在,来自非法和破坏性采伐的全球木材贸易已经失去了控制。The global trade in illegal and destructively logged timber is now out of control.

有时候,在工作或关系中,你会做出不负责的,甚至是破坏性地行为。You sometimes behave irresponsibly, or even destructively , at work and in relationships.

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全球变暖也已经以超出科学家预测的速度蔓延、加剧。Global warming is already moving faster and more destructively than scientists had predicted.

智能对象可以让你在保留原有结构的情况下应用你的设置。Smart Object will allow you to change the settings of your applied filters non- destructively.

虽然他曾经表示,他将团结的国家,他一直故意破坏和分裂。Whereas he once said he would unite the country, he has been deliberately and destructively divisive.

东南亚的暴雨从深夏贯穿到初秋,已经肆虐成灾。All through the late summer and early fall, destructively heavy rains have wreaked havoc on southeast Asia.

我认为,在具有破坏性的挑剔和轻易被人说服之间,这种平衡难以达到,但是却又很关键。I think the balance between being destructively critical and easily persuaded is tricky but crucially important.

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我们可以相长,和相消叠加这些波,这些原子轨道可以杂化。So we can actually constructively and destructively combine these waves, these atomic orbitals to make a hybrid.

我们可以相长,和相消叠加这些波,这些原子轨道可以杂化。So we can actually constructively and destructively combine these waves, these atomic orbitals to make a hybrid.

本文比较全面、系统地介绍了一种食品罐头真空度的无损检测方法。A novel technique has been successfully developed to non destructively detect the low vacuum inside the canned food.

如果你们比较s轨道和下面这叶,它们正负号相反,所以它们相消干涉。If you compare the s orbital with the bottom lobe, these have a different sign so they're going to destructively interfere.

甚至可以说,它每天都切实发生在全球各个地方,造成巨大的人身、财产和环境方面不可弥补的损失。It happens everywhere in the world tuely and destructively , bringing about great loss in living body, property and environment.

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番茄和黄瓜是我国广泛栽培的蔬菜种类,若受到病害的侵染,则严重影响其产量和质量。Tomato and cucumber are widely cultivated in China. The yield and quality would be reduced destructively if they were attacked by diseases.

这代表着顶点行星必须找出一种具创意性的方法来化解刑相位所带来的冲突,否则的话,可能把张力毁灭性地发泄出来。This means the apex planet must find a creative way to resolve the conflict of the square, or else it could vent that tension destructively.

它使化学组成和结构数据,以获得非破坏性,因此,随后解散测试可以完成同一样品。It enables chemical composition and structural data to be obtained non- destructively , so that subsequent dissolution testing can be performed on the same sample.