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它还提供了一个很好的日志记录器。It also gives you a nice logger.

此日志记录器保留以供将来使用。This logger is reserved for future use.

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消息记录器原语自定义处理程序支持Message logger primitive custom handler support

密度测井仪包括辐射源。The density logger consists of a radiation source.

记录器可以有一个名称并与某一级别相关联。A logger can have a name and be associated to a Level.

机械化,以防止删除和关闭的记录器。Mechanize to prevent deletion and shut down of the logger.

这个GPS轨迹记录器重量仅10克,大部分是电源重量。This GPS logger weighs 10 grams, most of which is battery.

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我需要一个短钩关键的记录,我想发展。I needed a hook-less key logger , and I like to develop in.

我使用了一个数据记录仪来测量每一个模型的性能表现。I measured the performance of each model with a data logger.

数字记录仪装置已安装在船只的机舱里。The data logger device has been fitted to ship's engine room.

这可能是一个好主意,删除的AIM和其他键盘记录器记录仪。It may be a good idea to remove AIM Logger and other keyloggers.

概述创建单处理器记录器所需的步骤。Outlines the steps required to create a single-processor logger.

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老先生做的是一般认为较适合男性的工作-当一名樵夫。The man did work that was thought to be manlier . He was a logger.

要做的第一件事情是在一个系统属性中设置日志记录器。The first thing to do is to set up the logger from a system property.

第一行定义了连接到根日志记录器的日志记录器。The first line defines the loggers that are attached to the root logger.

这可能是一个好主意,消除家庭键盘侧录程式XP和其他键盘记录器。It may be a good idea to remove Family Key Logger XP and other keyloggers.

消息记录器,用于通过文件和数据库执行记录、跟踪和审计。Message Logger for logging, tracing, and auditing via files and databases.

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报警打印和数据收集都布置在中控室。The alarm printer and data logger are located in the central control room.

遥感勘测系统是一个一些天以来记录数据的数据樵夫。The telemetry system is a data logger that records data over several days.

对敏感信息使用安全性专用的日志程序可以帮助降低风险。Using a security-specific logger for sensitive messages can help reduce risk.