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她用一直橙子榨汁作为早餐饮料。She juiced an orange for breakfast.

我稍稍捏了一只柠檬,柠檬汁自然而然地就滴下。I put the squeeze on a lemon and it soon juiced.

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有多少的结果是因为服食了类固醇的原因而得来的?How many were the result of a steroid juiced body?

孩子们误以为在学校嗑药是件酷的事情。The kids thought it was cool to go to class juiced.

我们把紫色胡萝卜打成果汁,孩子们都喝了。We juiced the purple carrots and the kids drank that.

为了使该影片更富有刺激性,他们添加了一些战争镜头。They juiced up the movie by adding some battle scenes.

这些年轻人以他们的新思想使讨论会变得生动活泼。These young men juiced up the conference with their new ideas.

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友好国家运动员们的到来,使集会的气氛活跃起来了。The arrival of the players from friendly countries juiced up the gathering.

水果也可以鸡肋或用来制造美味或水果奶昔。The fruit can also be juiced or used to make delicious sorbets or milkshakes.

特里斯塔诺指出,餐厅老闆们必须考虑要如何避免掌上型电脑遭窃。Tristano points out that restaurant owners must consider how to keep the tablets juiced up.

一旦巴西莓采收期越久,果汁和果浆的营养成分便会随著降低。The longer the berry sits followed by picking, the less benefit it has when juiced or pulped.

那就是西瓜在化学膨胀剂的作用下爆裂在田里面。Watermelons so juiced up with growth-enhancing chemicals that the fruit bursts open in the field.

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苹果、梨、西瓜、甜瓜、菠萝是一些可以连果皮和果实一起榨汁。Apples, pears, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple are some of the fruits that can be juiced peel and all.

相反的是,他们通过推动出口和在工厂,道路,铁路以及房地产产业上扩大投资来促进增长。Instead, it's juiced growth by pushing exports and investing in factories, roads, railways and real estate.

让人担心的是这些激励措施人为地加速中国经济发展,使它经受不住经济硬着陆。The worry is that this kind of stimulus has artificially juiced China's economy, making it vulnerable to a hard landing.

最新的食品安全报道称西瓜由于汁液过于丰富-----在促生长化学物质的作用下,以至于在田里就崩开了。The latest food safety report?Watermelons so juiced up with growth-enhancing chemicals that the fruit bursts open in the field.

最后,在平反,坎塞科拿起极品醉车停下时,透露细节甚至比他的第一本书令人震惊的争议。Finally, in Vindicated, Canseco picks up where Juiced left off, revealing details even more shocking than in his controversial first book.

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出于对衰退的零容忍原则,在长达十多年的时间里,华盛顿一直在为经济体注入货币激素,这是一种危险的行为。By taking a zero-tolerance policy toward recession, Washington has dangerously juiced the economy with monetary steroids for more than a decade.

在1898年,他发动了一场成为普利策和赫斯特“黄金新闻”的战争——美西战争,尽管他当初并不同意这样做。Though he opposed it at first, McKinley brought the country to war with Spain in 1898 as Pulitzer and Hearst's "yellow journalism" juiced the nation's appetite for a fight.

他的小说真实感人,富有生活气息,为美国现实主义小说注入了一股新的活力,不愧为“描写美国生活的极伟大的作家。”Dreiser's novels were so realistic, touching and lifelike that juiced up American realistic novels, and made him creditably "a brilliant novelist in portraying American life".