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那辆摩托车倒在沟中。The motorbike lay on its side in the gutter.

摩托车当然会发出令人感到烦恼的噪音。The motorbike is supposed to make annoying noise.

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我看见一个警察跨上一辆摩托车骑走了。I saw a policeman get on a motorbike and ride off.

开那车没人认识我,我乔装打扮了一番。Nobody knows me in that motorbike. I'm in disguise.

事实是,你得骑上一个小的摩托车,Well, what happens is you get on a little motorbike

孩子们看见摩托车撞在了米袋上。Thee children saw the motorbike hit the bag of rice.

他们肯出一万元买我的摩托车。They offered to buy my motorbike for ten thousand yuan.

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摩托车骑得太快了,失去控制,摔倒在地。The motorbike was so fast that it was out of control and fell.

哇,你什么时候买了这部那么酷的摩托车?旧的那一部呢?Wow, when did you buy this cool motorbike? Where's your old one?

他搭乘火车尽可能地北上,然后租了一辆摩托车。He took trains as far north as he could, then rented a motorbike.

我穿了一身骑摩托车时穿的衣服和一双旧军靴。I'm kitted out in motorbike leathers and a pair of old army boots.

店方提醒我将摩托车放在离商店更远一点处。The gatekeeper warned me to put the motorbike farther from the shop.

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昨天晚上骑摩托车的人出了交通事故。The traffic accident happened to the man on the motorbike last night.

你只需要看看他的摩托车上升起的蘑菇云就明白了。You need look no further than the mushroom cloud mounted on his motorbike.

警车在街上急驰,追赶着那辆被盗的摩托车。The police car raced through the streets in pursuit of the stolen motorbike.

这些声音险些淹没那些从窗外传来的摩托车吐吐声。Not that you can hear it above the sound of the motorbike outside your window.

海格惊恐地大吼一声,驾驶摩托车垂直降落。Hagrid let out a bellow of fear and steered the motorbike into a vertical dive.

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而当男人问女人“你有摩托车吗”这样的滑稽问题时,通常得到的印象分都为零。The man who asked "Do you have a motorbike?" scored an unsurprising nought out of ten.

一位骑士六月十二日于英国的摩托车大奖赛压车过弯。A motorcyclist leans his motorbike during the British Grand Prix in Britain on June 12.

生产各类高品质的汽车盘式片、鼓式片、蹄块、衬片、摩托车刹车片。Production of automobile disk-type block, shoe block, facing and motorbike brake block.