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他跑走了。He runs off.

把它封上!Seal it off !

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刀疤走开了。Scar walks off.

我向他脱帽致敬。Hats off to him.

他摆了摆手。He waved me off.

你气死我了。口语。You piss me off.

向他们脱帽致敬!Hats off to them!

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它就会自己脱落。It will peel off.

她却甩开了他的手。She shook it off.

我解下领带。I take off my tie.

离开李树。Off the plum tree.

我们的悉心照料得到了回报。Our care paid off.

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还清所有债务。Pay off all debts.

你简直气死我了。You pissed me off.

计时器关了吗?Are the timers off?

我在这儿下车可以么?Can I get off here?

他从不混过日子。He never goofs off.

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好了,现在你们可以出发了。Now you can be off.

冰化完了。The ice melted off.

我被人嘘下了舞台。And booed off stage.