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我已经决定要成为一个“无角赫里福德”的牧场主。I've decided to become a "polled hereford" rancher.

海尔福德本赛季在联赛中客场成绩比主场成绩好。Hereford have gained more points away than at home in the league this season.

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这些安格斯牛和海福特牛都来自他家乡蒙大拿州的农场。The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana.

安格斯牛和赫里福德种牛是从他的家乡蒙大拿州农场运来的。The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana.

1610年,赫里福德的约翰·戴维斯写到他扮演了君主类角色。In 1610, John Davies of Hereford wrote that "good Will" played "kingly" roles.

古拉克斯,同时,上赛季租借到赫里福德已经展现他的无限的潜力。Gulacsi, meanwhile, showed off his undoubted potential on loan at Hereford United last term.

三百多位研究人员对一头来自美国蒙大拿州的赫里福德母牛进行了研究。More than three hundred researchers studied a female Hereford cow from the American state of Montana.

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在A3854G位点,大部分品种牛遗传多态性较大,而鲁西牛和海福特牛的遗传多念性相对较小。For A3854G locus, most breed's genetic polymorphism is higher, except Luxi cattle and Hereford cattle.

这是他们在威尔士,将很多香槟倒在一艘救生艇上,而且将此命名为“赫里福德奋斗号”。They are actually in Wales, and they poured some champagne over a life boat, and named it the "Hereford Endeavour".

它的北部郊区毗邻斯塔福德郡。南部和西南部的郊区与赫里福德伍斯特郡接壤。Its northern suburbs adjoin Staffordshire, and its southern and southwestern suburbs border on Hereford and Worcester.

毕竟,他不仅仅是一个社交讨厌鬼,还是个满口胡话的偏执狂,永远在说着自己曾被一头赫勒福德牛谋杀的事。After all, he’snot just a social grub but a raving paranoid, endlessly mouthingsomething about attempted homicide by a Hereford.

这些安格斯牛和海福特牛都来自他家乡蒙大拿州的农场。这些进口的母牛已经产下了第一批牛犊。The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana. The imported cows have given birth to their first calves.

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雌性赫里福种实用牛的基因族的基因族已经被重组,这将是农业生产主要改进的一个起点。The genome of a female Hereford cow has been sequenced, which could be a starting point for major improvements in the agricultural industry.

英国媒体报道,查尔斯和妻子卡米拉近日拜访赫里福德大教堂时,双双身着旧衣。卡米拉的外套已有些褪色,查尔斯的外套则至少有6年“历史”。UK Prince Charles and wife Camilla seemed to have rummaged deep into their closets for a visit to Hereford Cathedral recently, UK media reported.

我在赫里福的慈善商店买了一件厚外衣和一双牢固的邱尓却步行鞋,还有带垫衬的保暖衣和可用六个月的心脏病药物。I bought a thick jumper and a pair of strong Church's walking shoes in a Hereford charity shop, packed thermals and a six-month supply of heart medication.

在星期二的英甲联赛中赫里福德面对前英超利兹联,利物浦青年队双星安特维和皮特-格拉希斯的出色的表现帮助球队赢得比赛的胜利。Liverpool duo Godwin Antwi and Peter Gulacsi put in impressive displays to help loan side Hereford United sink former Premier League giants Leeds on Tuesday.

在过去的几年里思雷福尔在赫里福德以及斯托克波特租借期间获得了很大的提高,现在他有机会通过租借继续提升自己的实力。Threlfall has enjoyed loan spells at Hereford and Stockport in the last few seasons and Liverpool are willing to farm him out again so that he can continue his development.

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然后他租借到赫里福德和斯托克伯特,然后才在2009-10赛季成为麦克马洪执教下的主力。His moment in the spotlight led to spells on loan at Hereford United and Stockport County before he returned to Melwood to become a regular in McMahon's team for the 2009-10 season.

Hannah的家人认为,是一个赫里福德本地医院的一个代理医生,在家人带Hannah回家以后把这一切报告给一家儿童权益保护机构的。The family believe that it was a locum doctor at their local hospital in Hereford who reported the case to the child protection unit after Hannah had been taken home by her parents.

在对从赫里福德1349年的瘟疫万人坑中采集的骨殖和牙齿,以及法国南部1348年的瘟疫墓地进行采集分析后,可以发现这一支瘟疫细菌的完整的传播路径。The strain of bacterium analyzed from the bones and teeth of a Hereford plague pit dug in 1349 is identical to that from a plague pit of 1348 in southern France, suggesting a direct route of travel.