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传闻失实。The rumour was unfounded.

她的担心并非空穴来风。Her fears are not unfounded.

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这些诽谤是毫无事实根据的。These slanders are absolutely unfounded.

NCCAM表示,这些说法是没有根据的。The NCCAM says such claims are unfounded.

郭彩英复杂的情绪也许毫无根据。Guo o's mixed feelings might be unfounded.

关于卡刚严苛评级的坏名声属无中生有。Kagan's reputation as a harsh grader is unfounded.

不要让完全没有理由的批评困扰你。Don't let completely unfounded critiques bother you.

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我知道,我的担心,最终只是被沦为了自作多情。I know, I was just the worry, eventually fell unfounded worry.

你在苏丹问题上对中国的指责是不符合实际的。The blame you laid on China over the issue of the Sudan is unfounded.

但汉娜的恐惧是毫无根据,她和Miki成为好朋友。But Hannah's fears are unfounded as she and Miki become great friends.

对于知识产权问题存在顾虑显然多此一举。But concerns over intellectual property rights have proved to be unfounded.

有许多关于素食主义者的争论都是缺乏事实根据的。There are many arguments against veganism and every single one is unfounded.

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我们必须积极地应对这种不实言论,使公众消除对天然石的疑虑。We must aggressively fight the unfounded fear mongering to reassure the public.

对“波兰水管工”涌入发达国家的忧虑可谓杞人忧天。Fears of an invasion of "Polish plumbers" apparently turned out to be unfounded.

特区政府食品安全方面的最高官员称抢购食盐“完全没有根据”。The government's top food safety official called the salt run 'totally unfounded.

另外有些实验表明科尔莫戈罗夫的基本假设之一缺乏根据。Other experiments have shown one of kolmogorov's basic hypotheses to be unfounded.

欧洲议会罔顾事实,妄加评论,无端指责,极不负责。This is a highly irresponsible and unfounded accusation in disregard of the facts.

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最后,克利福德遇到了这户新邻居,这才知道他们的害怕和猜想都是毫无根据的。Clifford finally meets the new family, and realizes that all his fears are unfounded.

女人总是多愁善感,为一些不足道的小事哀愁感伤或者杞人忧天。Women always yearn for the small matter of some insignificant sad pathos or unfounded.

然而,刺耳的嘲笑和无根据的断言在右翼的电视和广播里尤其响亮。The cacophony of gibes and unfounded claims is loudest, however, on rightwing TV and radio.