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我引用了几句话来加以说明。I have some illustrative quotes here.

但是该过程的作用并不局限于此。But the process is more illustrative than that.

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以下是一个示意但不完全的列表。The following list is illustrative but incomplete.

这些插图是严格地解释正文内容的。The illustrations are strictly illustrative of the text.

题款是正文之外的说明性文字。Title, was the body of the text other than illustrative.

这些是引自书报的阐释性例证。These are illustrative examples from books and newspapers.

这些断言和不同之处只是用作描述的目的。These assertions and differences are for illustrative purposes only.

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我们再次以计算机革命为例,来说明这个问题。Once again, the computer revolution has served as an illustrative case study.

为创造形象的内容描述提供直观而富于文字的编辑器。Provides intuitive rich-text editors for creating illustrative content descriptions.

数例表明,所得的结果满足平衡的要求。The results of the illustrative example check nicely the requirements of equilibrium.

但是事实上,这座临时建筑展示了政府部门的不作为。But, in fact, the pavilion is as illustrative of this administration as is prorogation.

为了说明的目的,包气带的传统划分是有用的。Such a traditional division of the zone of aeration is useful for illustrative purposes.

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算例表明,该方法具有实用性和可操作性。An illustrative example shows that the method has the practicability and maneuverability.

下面的故事是关于拾音器的,这个故事会成分的表明我们对吉他细节上的关注和用心。The story of the pickups on this guitar is illustrative of the attention we pay to detail.

在此基础上,对我国高校图书馆学科化服务的典型案例进行思考。Based on these, the paper ponders illustrative cases in our country's University Libraries.

只有相关的主要主题才会予以介绍,并通过说明性的引述给予证实。Only relevant major themes are presented and are demonstrated by a few illustrative quotes.

发票、支票、合同、记时单都是普通的凭证的例子。Invoices, checks, contracts, and time tickets are illustrative of common types of documents.

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算例表明,该方法具有较强的实用性和可操作性。An illustrative example showed that the method has better practicability and maneuverability.

对一不完备信息系统进行了实例分析,以说明新提出的二元关系的有效性。Analyzed an illustrative example to indicate the validity of the new-defined binary relation.

理解要点——集中精力听主要意思而非说明性材料。Understand the main points ----concentrate on the main ideas and not the illustrative material.