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保持清洁和自信。Keep clean and confident.

你会变得更加有信心。You will be more confident.

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现在我感觉自己信心爆棚。I'm feeling really confident.

我是自信的丹将会做得好。I'm confident Dan will do well.

自信的生活态度。A confident attitude towards life.

这个座右铭可以使你自信。This motto can make you confident.

飘柔,就是这么自信。Piaorou, just be confident like this.

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不要过份相信陌生人。Don't be too confident ial with strangers.

我懂得是什么予我力量和自信。I know what makes me strang and confident.

我对我的停车技巧还不够信心。I'm not confident about my parking skills.

屠维岳鞠躬,非常镇定非常自信地回答。His voice was perfectly calm and confident.

我相信我们能够达成这个妥协。I’m confident we can reach this compromise.

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我相信你已经作了正点确的选择。I'm confident you've made the right choice.

保持体姿的警惕和自信。Keep your body posture alert and confident.

确保你具有自信的肢体语言。Make sure you have confident body language.

我一生中从未有过这么足的信心。I've never had so much confident in my life.

所以我虽然害怕,但我还是很自信的。So I am scared but I am also very confident.

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一个内心清净的人是一个自信的人。An undistracted person is a confident person.

它会让你显得自信和易于控制。It makes you appear confident and in control.

你个妮子不太自信。You don't seem very confident about yourself.