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你没办法抹杀自己的过去.And you have no way to expunge your past.

从需求文档中除去此垃圾。Expunge this junk from the requirements document.

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你对何时换掉厨房里的海绵有疑问?Wonder when to expunge that kitchen sponge from your life?

记住,你可以除去任何你发现令你讨厌的东西。Remember that you can expunge anything you find undesirable.

怎么才能删掉过去伤心的事重新开始???How does ability expunge sad in the past thing to begin afresh ? ? ?

如果没有,或者网页快照是两个月以前的,删掉。If do not have, or webpage snapshot is two months previously, expunge.

假如发现百度收录为0的站,马上删掉!If discover Baidu is collected, be the station of 0, expunge immediately!

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少年法庭可在任何时候删除是销毁未成年人的法庭判决记录。Thejuvenile court may expunge or destroytherecords of a juvenile at any time.

少年法庭可在任何时候删除或者销毁未成年人的记录。The juvenile court may expunge or destroy the records of a juvenile at any time.

少年法庭可在任何时候删除或者是销毁未成年人的法庭判决记录。The juvenile court may expunge or destroy the records of a juvenile at any time.

有时候假消息自己也是新闻,生硬地删掉也不妥。Occasionally false him information also is news, expunge curtly inappropriate also.

在建立资讯科技的基础时,不曾有人考虑到,能够取消错误是一种重的功能。When the foundations of information technology were laid , no one considered it important to be able to expunge mistakes.

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他们警告说,在盗版被视为寻常事的文化中,清除根深蒂固的学术习惯并不容易。In a culture where knockoffs are normal, from sportswear to DVDs, it will not be easy to expunge deep-rooted academic habits, they warn.

他知道我带全家去哪些地方度假,我家住在哪里,还有更多其他个人信息,眼下我正忙着从个人网络文件删除这些信息。He knew about several vacations I had taken with my family, where I lived, and other more personal items that I am now trying to expunge from my cyber file.