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安哥拉男孩踢足球,在洛比托村1月14日。Angolan boys play football in Lobito village January 14.

他曾参加了西南非民族和古巴人对抗安哥拉的战争。He served in the Angolan war against Swapo and the Cubans.

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安哥拉当局已经给三家公司发放了固网经营许可证。Angolan authorities have issued fixed-line licenses to a further three companies.

弗兰西斯科外号“安哥拉惊悚嘴”,他可以将整个饮料罐横向塞进嘴里。Known as the Angolan Jaw of Awe, he can fit a whole can of pop in his mouth sideways.

安哥拉政府耗费数百万美元用于选民登记,资助竞选。The Angolan government spent millions of dollars registering voters and funding the campaign.

东帝汶播送了这段讲话,而安哥拉国营电台则为此播送了数天的专题。A segment was broadcast in East Timor and was featured on Angolan state-radio for several days.

截至4月5日,安哥拉卫生部已报告181例马尔堡出血热。As of 5 April, the Angolan Ministry of Health has reported 181 cases of Marburg haemorrhagic fever.

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安哥拉政府提供了五辆新车辆供该病暴发现场的医护队使用。Five new vehicles have been provided by the Angolan government for use by teams at the outbreak site.

调查报告中,东京将盛产石油的安哥拉首都罗安达挤到了第二位,重新抢占冠军位置。Tokyo pushed the oil-boom Angolan capital Luanda into second place to retake the top spot in the survey.

在理论上,终止安哥拉的暴发所需的措施不仅数量少,而且在性质上直截了当。In theory, the measures needed to end the Angolan outbreak are few in number and straightforward in nature.

上个月,纳米比亚允许安哥拉政府军使用其边界地区基地发动对UNITA的攻击。Last month, Namibia allowed Angolan government troops to use its border area bases to launch attacks on UNITA.

只有安哥拉国家石油公司愿意投标承包离摩苏尔暴力活动猖獗区域最近的两个油田。Only Sonangol, the Angolan owned company, was willing to bid on the two fields closest to the violence in Mosul.

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被污染的安哥拉水源也被认为是导致纳米比亚北部肠胃炎暴发的原因。Contaminated Angolan water supplies have also been blamed for an outbreak of gastroenteritis in northern Namibia.

安哥拉总理费尔南多在舷梯前迎接。Angolan Prime Minister Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos welcomed the Chinese Premier in front of the cabinet ladder.

据说,安哥拉总统的儿子是安中石油的董事之一。安中石油是这个国家石油企业的最大的贸易伙伴。The Angolan president's son is said to be a director of China Sonangol, the main trading partner of the state oil company.

美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿敦促安哥拉总统多斯桑托斯举行自由公正的选举。U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is urging Angolan President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos to hold free and fair elections.

安哥拉总理费尔南多·多斯桑托斯在机场停机坪举行了隆重的欢送仪式。Angolan Prime Minister Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos held a grand ceremony to see him off at the parking apron of the airport.

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访问期间,我将与安哥拉领导人就双边关系和其他共同关心的问题广泛交换意见。During the visit, he will exchange extensive views with the Angolan leaders on bilateral relations and other issues of common interest.

在该网络内,加拿大、德国、南非和美国的实验室正在对安哥拉的暴发提供诊断支持。Within this network, laboratories in Canada, Germany, South Africa, and the USA are providing diagnostic support for the Angolan outbreak.

2002年,安哥拉政府军士兵在交战中枪击萨文比,之后通往和平之路才由此而变得畅通。In 2002, the Angolan government soldiers in fighting in the shooting Savimbi, followed the road to peace before giving rise to become smooth.