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他正为你献上一首青铜之歌。Who offers you a brazen hymn.

不像那希腊著名的铜铸巨人。Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame.

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他不愿承认失败,却宁愿厚着脸皮干下去。He prefers to brazen in out rather than admit defeat.

她宁可厚着脸皮赖下去,也不愿承认失败。She prefers to brazen it out rather than admit defeat.

许多选民都易于听信煽动者无耻的谎言。Many voters tend to drink in a demagogue's brazen lies.

云子也写了一封信,悍然与营左翻脸。Cloud son also wrote a letter, brazen and left over the camp.

腹中的饮料使他觉得,他的问题是自然而不悖理。The drink inside him made him feel less brazen than spontaneous.

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巴基斯兰遭受了又一轮致命的残酷袭击。Pakistan was hit with another round of deadly and brazen violence.

由于欺骗大行其道,很少尼日利亚人会期待公平的选举。Cheating has become so brazen that few Nigerians expect fair elections.

中国政府谴责北韩不顾国际社会的呼吁,悍然实施核试验。China denounced North Korea as "brazen" in conducting the nuclear test.

希尔蒂笑着,没脸没皮地看着詹姆,“您也有个小妻子吗,爵士?”Laughing, Hildy gave Jaime a brazen look. "Do you have a little wife, ser?"

宣言和后号发起的艺术运动往往会显得有些幼稚和无耻。ART movements that are launched with manifestos often seem both brazen and naive.

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谁能知道,隐藏在战火纷飞的前线和厚彦无耻的面具后面的敌人,究竟脆弱到什么程度?Who can tell how weak the enemy may be behind his flaming fronts and brazen mask ?

铜牛从此成为古希腊最常用的死刑工具之一。The Brazen Bull became one of the most common methods of execution in Ancient Greece.

当时看的时候觉得美国人民真可怜,咱么中国就没那么多花花肠子。Those poor Americans, ' I thought when I saw this, 'we're not so brazen here in China.

也只有非常无耻的或者非常愚蠢的人才会在科学造假上被抓。You have to be either very brazen or very stupid to get caught at cheating in science.

另一幅画画的是达那厄被她父亲关在一座铜塔里的情景。Another picture shows Danae in the brazen tower in which her father had imprisoned her.

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你逼我留下来,可能的话在审判席上靠荒唐愚蠢的谎言伪证顶住。You forced me to stay to brazen it out, if possible, in the box by absurd and silly perjuries.

而这群少年暴徒们厚颜无耻的态度和肆无忌惮的风格更是让所有警察们大吃一惊。The group of young thugs who brazenly brazen attitude and style is all the police were surprised.

接下来的情况更糟了,只有被裹在厚厚的牛皮里,要被活活烤熟时,一家子才能团聚。The times that come are worse, with the family reunited only to be roasted alive in a brazen bull.