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第二个要解决的问题是简洁。A second problem to address is conciseness.

简洁明了总是最佳选择。Conciseness and clarity in language are always best.

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句子这样一改就简洁了。Conciseness is served when the sentence is so corrected.

英语倾向于简洁,汉语倾向于明确。Conciseness is preferred in English and precision in Chinese.

但是长诗也有不够凝炼之嫌,有些章节显得较松散。However, it seems that, with some stanzas incompact, the poem lacks conciseness.

无论是挂几幅壁画,还是做一些造型,都力求简洁,尽量不留下装修的痕迹。Whether to proceed murals , or do some form, conciseness and try not to leave traces of decoration.

音系层面以音位划分为标准,拼写以简省为原则。Phonetic phonology will take the standard of phoneme, while the writing the principle of conciseness.

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本课程要求学生达到的标准是“4C”,即完整、清楚、简练、礼貌。It wants students to reach the standard 4C that are completeness, clearness, conciseness and courtesy.

莫泊桑的作品之所以能迅速打动人是因为它的简洁。The great peculiarity in the work of Maupassant which strikes any reader immediately, is his conciseness.

冗长的感谢条会浪费招聘经理的时间并会显示出你缺乏简明。A rambling note wastes the hiring manager's time, and it can suggest that you lack the confidence of conciseness.

习语是经过长时间的使用而提炼出来的固定短语或短句,它一般具有文字简练,比喻形象,含义精辟等特点。An idiom is a phrase refined from a longtime use with the features of conciseness , metaphor and penetration, etc.

在类似匿名内部类的机制中使用代码块的一个优势是其简洁性。One of the advantages of using code blocks over a similar mechanism like anonymous inner classes lies in its conciseness.

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高中数学概念具有抽象化、形式化、系统化、简明化的特点。The characteristics of mathematics concepts of high school are abstractness, formalization, systematization, conciseness.

而且,即使这几行文档都编制得非常详细,无法通过编程技巧来达到简明性。Furthermore even those few lines are well documented and make no effort to achieve conciseness through programming tricks.

现代应用写作理论强调应用文语言的准确性、简明性和平实性,而忽视其生动性。The present theory on applied writing puts emphasis on its accuracy, conciseness and plainness, but neglects its vividness.

卧室以优雅温和气息的营造为主诉求,主卫展示现代生活思维中特有的简约理念与美感。The bedroom focuses on the sense of elegancy and mildness, the bathroom shows the conciseness and aestheticism of modern life.

行文的简洁和精炼是交际“经济原则”的集中体现,语法学者对汉语的省略现象众说纷纭。The grammarians think that conciseness and refinement of the style perfectly manifest the economical principle in communication.

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由于它们形式简洁凝练,语义丰富多彩,因而被广泛应用于人们的日常生活和文学作品中。Due to their conciseness in form and colorfulness in meaning, they are widely used by a large number of people in our daily life.

占卜的产生是在新石器时代中期开始的北方骨卜和南方的龟崇拜意识相互融合的产物。The existence of divination was a result of the merging conciseness between the Gu Gua in the north and the Gui Cong in the south.

简洁要求包括任何指向要点的信息,过滤掉那些与主题无关的陈述。Conciseness needs to include any information that is to the point , but to leave out those statements that do not bear on the subject.