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我住在利物浦。And I live in Liverpool.

利物浦的码头工人罢工了。The dockers in liverpool are out.

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摩队比不上利物浦队。Dynamo is not spatch on Liverpool.

我在利物浦时遇见奥云。I met Owen when I was in Liverpool.

利物浦队以三比一获胜。Liverpool won by three goals to one.

拉法能回到利物浦吗?。Will Rafa return to Liverpool F. C. ?

我们在利物浦上船去纽约。We embarked at Liverpool for New York.

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利物浦是目前的冠军。Liverpool are the current title-holders.

利物浦大都会酒店是我的最爱。The Liverpool Metropole is my favourite.

他在利物浦火车站下了车。He stepped out of the train at Liverpool.

来利物浦时,请顺便来家里坐一坐。Please stop in when you come to Liverpool.

乔科尔又对利物浦一番恭维。Joe Cole has some compliments on Liverpool.

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安特里大学医院NHS,利物浦。Aintree University Hospitals NHS, Liverpool.

德克只为利物浦队进了一个球。Dirk Kuijt made the only goal for Liverpool.

利物浦队在中场休息后让候补队员上场比赛。Liverpool brought on their sub AT half-time.

欧文后来的进球为利物浦队挽回了败局.Owen's late goal saved the day for Liverpool.

不因为利物浦,而是贝蒂斯。Not because of Liverpool but because of Betis.

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利物浦也可以在考普看台前争取一场胜利。Liverpool can go for a win in front of the Kop.

但是利物浦可不仅仅有音乐和体育。But Liverpool is abut more than music and sport.

到利物浦去的旅客必须在克鲁换车。Passengers for Liverpool should change at Crewe.