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我喜欢解决问题。I love solving problems.

猜谜语啊,我可是高手。I'm an expert at solving riddles.

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草率对于解决问题没有任何用处。Haste is no use of solving problem.

这是解决问题的关键。This is the kry to solving the problem.

你是否知道你要解决的是什么问题?Do you know what problem you are solving?

你解决你的问题,别把我拉进去。Don't involve me in solving your problem.

我毫不费力地解决了这个问题。I had no trouble in solving this problem.

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用什么解决心中的不快乐呢???In with what solving a heart joyless ? ? ?

至于实际解决部分单手情况时。As for the actual solving part of OH cubing.

但是,你不能用替换方法来解问题。But, you cannot use solving in substitution.

并且探究出解决问题的方法。And find out the way of solving the problems.

如果是这样,那么您就有问题要解决了。If so, you have a problem that needs solving.

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警察成功破解了这个疑案。Police have succeeded in solving the mystery.

那我们该如何解决这些问题呢?So how do we go about solving these problems?

多用脑来解猜谜游戏。Put your brain to the test by solving puzzles.

在上一步是奇数的基础上。Because it's now solving a one-smaller problem.

最后给出了求根实例。Last, some examples of solving roots are given.

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解决问题的钥匙掌握在日方手中。The key to solving the problem lies with Japan.

她喜欢解决科学上的疑难问题。She liked solving difficult scientific problems.

运用高斯赛德尔迭代法的约束方程式求解器。The max number of iterations to do when solving.