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但如果是这样的话,还需要补贴吗?But in that case is a subsidy needed?

第三,铁路津贴要再分配。Third, rail subsidy should be redirected.

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每加仑45美分的补贴仍然在执行。The subsidy of 45 cents per gallon remains.

我觉得很难再想像有一种更怪异的补贴了。I find it difficult to imagine a more grotesque subsidy.

其次,这种补贴有害于市场公平原则。Next, this kind of subsidy harmfully in market fair principle.

政府已加大对饭店业的资助。The government has increased its subsidy to the hotel industry.

政府已加大对饭店业的资助。The government have increase its subsidy to the hotel industry.

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中国本周二公布了新能源汽车购车补贴计划的细则。China Tuesday released details of its green-car subsidy program.

中国本周二发布了新能源汽车购车津贴打算的细则。China Tuesday released details of its green-car subsidy program.

而目前给牧区牧民的补贴是属于被动性补偿性补贴。But the subsidy of pastoral area and herdsman is passive and back-off.

可持续性差,因为依靠财政高度补贴。The sustainability is poor due to high-dependency on financial subsidy.

西班牙的太阳能能源的固定价格补贴系统已是一场灾难。Spain’s fixed-price subsidy system for solar energy has been a disaster.

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组屋公寓如果不按市场价来的话可以便宜得多。HDB flats could have been much cheaper if it's not a market price subsidy.

运河值得乡村绿化或者城市公园那样的补贴程度。The canals merit subsidy in the same way as village greens or urban parks.

是安庆赋闲补贴金的三分之二,是,最低工资规范的二分之一。Anqing idle subsidy payment is two-thirds of the minimum wage standard half.

中国80岁以上老人今年起可享统一津贴。The aged people over 80 years old could enjoy subsidy , beginning this year.

第三阶段是国家对种粮实行直接补贴时期。In the third stage, the nation earned out direct subsidy for grain production.

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利率没有任何让步,也就是说援助不含任何补贴成分。Interest rates will be non-concessional, i.e. not contain any subsidy element.

政府资助额视乎收生人数而定。The amount of government subsidy depends on the number of students they admit.

那个大学将得到一笔人工智能研究的补助费。The university will receive a subsidy for research in artificial intelligence.