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神父赶紧打开了门。The friar quickly unlocked the door.

“冷静一点,罗密欧!”神父说道。"Pull yourself together, Romeo! " said the friar.

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修道士劳伦斯修士带着他的篮子。Friar Laurence, the monk, had his basket with him.

我们这个区的修士是个典型的英国人。The friar of our district is a typical English man.

话说罗密欧和茱丽叶在劳伦斯修士的房里举行了结婚仪式。So it was in Friar Laurence's room that Romeo and Juliet got married.

咱们这一次实在有点措手不及。什么!我的女儿到劳伦斯神父那里去了吗?We shall be much unfurnished for this time. What, is my daughter gone to Friar Laurence?

离暴君的宫殿不远,有一座非常漂亮的神庙,修士瓦伦丁就住在这里。Not far from the tyrant's palace, has a very beautiful temple, friar Valentin lived here.

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从那时起,皮耶抛开一切,成为在这些乞丐中工作的修道士,并将他们组织集合起来。In desperation, Pierre became a friar to work among them and organize the beggars themselves.

他告诉劳伦斯修士说,因为天候恶劣的关系,他无法到达曼图鄂。He told Friar Laurence that he had not been able to reach Mantua because the weather was so bad.

但送信的约翰修士,由于意外事故耽误了时间,昨晚把我的信送回给我。But he who bore my letter, Friar Johm, was stayed by accident, and yesternight returned my letter back.

小说中的唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧等人物形象,在中国家喻户晓,老幼皆知。The Tang Priest, M, Pig and Friar Sand characters from the book are popular images among Chinese people.

从书中的唐僧,孙悟空,猪八戒和沙修士字符中国民间流行的图像。The Tang Priest, Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand characters from the book are popular images among Chinese people.

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也就是佛罗伦萨第一家庭,并在有生之年,目睹他们被一位,名为,Savonarola,的道明会修士所驱逐。That is to say, the first family of Florence, and lived to see them deposed by a Dominican friar by the name of Savonarola.

另有一封信,僧侣安沙兰带着,马琪搜这位僧侣时,交给塔克修道士念。There was also a letter that Anselm the clerk carried, which Much, having searched the clerk, handed to friar Tuck to read.

罗吉尔·培根,英国人,既是一名修道士,也在包括数学、化学和光学的很多领域内成为学者。A native of England, Roger Bacon was a friar and scholar in many academic areas, including mathematics, early chemistry and optics.

塔克修士是个性情开朗的大胖子,小约翰是个身高七英尺的大个子,也是个神箭手。Friar Tuck was a fat, jolly priest. Little John stood more than 7 feet tall and was known for his great skill with a bow and arrow.

罗宾汉二话没说,背起修士就到了河对岸,也把他轻轻放在岸边。Robin Hood took the Friar on his back, without saying a word to him, carried him over the water, and laid him gently down on the bank.

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在教会调整自己以适应这一时代的过程中,1517年,神圣罗马帝国境内奥古斯丁修道院的一名修士马丁·路德发起了“宗教改革”运动。In the course of the catholic reform, in 1517, the protestant reformation launched by a friar of Augustine monastery in the Holy RomanEmpire happened.

这两个人周四于酋长球场在肯-弗莱尔和费兹曼的纪念仪式上见了面,而教授对美国人的意图不太关心。The two men were at Emirates Stadium on Thursday to see Ken Friar and the late Danny Fiszman honoured and the Arsenal manager has no concerns about the American's intentions.

这位牧师是精神安慰所的精神指导,他愿意为她提供婚姻咨询服务。Bond found was a priest — a dynamic, handsome Franciscan friar in a brown robe — who was serving as the spiritual director for the retreat and agreed to begin counseling her on her marriage.