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这时她说,“我们其实不过是这里的囚徒,甘心被自己所驱使”And she said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own deice.

在机器人冲击除冰时,也可以获得更大的冲击力。Larger impact force can be obtained when the robot impacts to deice.

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病人在臀部配带一个电池操作装置和手臂的一个血压计。The patient wears the battery-operated deice on the hip and a blood pressure cuff on the arm.

超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。Exceeding the specifications below may result in permanent damage to the deice, or deice malfunction.

而在应用这种机器人显微钻时,该设备在接近这个组织交界面时可以自动检测钻头的进路。Using the robotic micro-drill, the deice is able to detect the approach of the drill tip as it approaches this tissue interface.

装载门、绒毛收集器、蒸馏排污门、纽扣捕集器均配有气动安全门锁装置,轻松操作安全无忧。The loading door, fuzz collector, pollutant drainage and button collector ate equipped with pneumatic safe door-lock deice. Easy toiperate.

在该研究中,该设备从病人身上收集数据并进行量化,同时,这些病人也完成了UPDRS的上肢动作测试。During the study, the deice collected and quantified data from subjects as they completed a subset of the UPDRS upper- extremity motor exam.

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公司还应对设备使用人员进行培训和资格认证,并严格其使用范围。The company also must train and certify health care workers who intend to use the deice and restrict its use to patients who meet certain eligibility criteria.

调校提示一个预先�示出每部量度及测试仪器,以及量度标准下次调校日期的系统。Calibration Recall A system for indicating in advance the date for each measuring and test equipment deice and each measurement standard is next due to be calibrated.

如果髋臼或股骨头软骨下骨被侵蚀或内固定物周围骨质吸收,应除外感染。Infection must be suspected if part of the subchondral bone of the acetabulum or femoral head is eroded or if bone has been resorbed about an internal fixation deice.