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啊,一个香奈儿钱包。Ah a Chanel purse.

Chanel就是一个非常完美的例子。Chanel is the perfect example of this.

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我的幸运,我的命运,我的未来。My fate. My fortune. Chanel No. 5. Inevitable.

香奈儿女士的脸像自行车轮胎一样膨胀起来。Chanel lady's cheeks inflate like a bicycle tyre.

而他与香奈儿和芬迪的合约都是无限期的。His contracts with Chanel and Fendi are for life.

另一个频道有什么值得看的吗?Is there anything worth watching on another chanel?

香奈儿粉底液,打点出最完美的肤色。Chanel foundation creates the most perfect skin tone.

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地球上有很多公爵夫人,但只有一个可可·香奈儿。There are a lot of duchesses, but only one Coco Chanel.

香奈儿起步自可可·香奈儿于一九○九年在巴黎所开设的一家帽子店。Chanel began in 1909 as a hat store in Paris by Coco Chanel.

对很多人来说,可可·香奈儿这个名字已经成为了成功的代名词。To many, the name of Coco Chanel is synonymous with success.

Chanel的全息指甲油是我非常渴望的款式之一。The Chanel Holographic nail polish is one I've been longing for.

克劳迪娅希弗在香奈儿的T台上完成了第一次走秀。Claudia Schiffer appears in her first runway show, modelling Chanel.

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著名的香奈儿双C交叠商标即来自她的姓名字首。The famous Chanel logo of two intertwined Cs is based on her initials.

她于1922年推出了最成功的香水,夏奈尔5号。The extremely successful perfume, Chanel No. 5, was introduced in 1922.

她手提最爱的香奈儿包包,手上甚至还拿了一只红玫瑰。She even carried a single red rose, along with her favourite Chanel bag.

国际反假联盟有超过250名成员,其中包括苹果公司、思科以及香奈儿。The IACC has over 250 members, including Apple, Cisco Systems and Chanel.

你香奈儿的裙子、手袋、莫罗的鞋子,所有的一切在你身上都那么完美。Your Chanel dress, purse, Manolo shoes, and everything look perfect on you.

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她还炫耀了香奈儿和爱马仕的名包收藏。And she's also showed off an impressive collection of Chanel and Hermes bags.

不过购物冲动就这么养成了,天晓得那些香奈儿鞋多少钱咧。But that can lead to impulse buying. Who knew how much those Chanel shoes were?

眼下,即便是以前出手最阔绰的人也开始精打细算了。With even the biggest spenders starting to scrimp, luxury companies from Chanel S.