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睡眠呼吸暂停是可以治疗的。It is treatable.

甲状腺功能减退是可以通过药物治疗好的。Hypothyroidism is treatable with medication.

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人们有时死于可治之症。People sometimes die of treatable conditions.

通常采用药物或手术即可治疗。It is often medically or surgically treatable.

大多数情况下,一些原因是可以诊断并治疗的。In most cases, some causes are diagnosable and treatable.

终生运用类固醇替补疗法能治疗艾迪生氏征。Addison's is treatable with lifelong steroid replacement therapy.

可治疗眼目青盲、翳膜遮眼及小儿疥疮。Treatable eyes Qingmang, Yi Film cover eyes and children scabies.

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结核可以通过六个月抗生素疗程得到治疗。Tuberculosis is treatable with a six-month course of antibiotics.

发现及时的话,大部分的皮肤癌是可以治愈的。When detected early, most forms of skin cancer are quite treatable.

疟疾是一种透过病媒传染的疾病,是可防预及可医治的。Malaria is a preventable and treatable vector-borne infectious disease.

然而,流感是一种可以通过疫苗进行预防,也可予以治疗的疾病。Influenza is, however, both a vaccine-preventable and treatable disease.

哮喘是可以治疗的,而脊柱裂是一种严重的终身疾病。Asthma is treatable whereas spina bifida is a serious and lifelong condition.

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这些死亡幼儿中,有十分之七是由于可预防和可治疗的疾病造成的。Seven in ten of these deaths are due to preventable and treatable conditions.

听到电话那头传来的笑声,洛伦说自己认为这个人是可以治好的。When the caller laughed, Mr. Rolon says, he thought the man might be treatable.

幸运的是,恐惧症是最好治疗的心理疾病之一。Fortunately, phobias are among the most treatable of all psychological conditions.

没有一个妇女应忍受既可预防又可治疗的病症。No woman should have to endure a condition which is both preventable and treatable.

对于椎管狭窄,我在学校所学到的都是必须通过手术治疗。Canal steno sis is only treatable with surgical intervention, as I was taught in school.

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及时治疗。应及时、彻底治疗前列腺炎、膀胱炎与尿道结石症等。Early treatment. Problems as BPH bladder inflammation and urolithiasis are all treatable.

这类死亡中每一例都是可以避免的,因为这种疾病可以预防和治疗。Every one of these deaths is unnecessary, because the disease is preventable and treatable.

随便哪个毒理学家都会告诉你,汞中毒代表是暂时的性,可治疗的。Any toxicologist will tell you that mercury poisoning represents a temporary, treatable state.