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在淡水中的极地附近。Gazetteer Circumpolar in fresh water.

极地附近分布的各种短尾、脚上有毛的啮齿动物。Any of various short-tailed furry-footed rodents of circumpolar distribution.

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北极熊是一个生活在环北极地区的可能有灭绝危险的物种。Polar bears are a potentially endangered species living in the circumpolar north.

这是由于被称为南极绕极环流的顺时针环流造成的。That's because of a clockwise current of water called the Antarctic circumpolar current.

它是高在北天空在极地周围的星座大熊座,大熊星座。It is high in the northern sky in the circumpolar constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear.

当你在明亮的阳光下驶入海湾,空气因风暴的反复冲刷而清澈透明。You sail into a bay in bright sunshine and air scrubbed clean by the ceaseless circumpolar wind.

信天翁在南大洋筑巢往往繁殖季节之间进行极地考察。Albatrosses nesting in the Southern Ocean often undertake circumpolar trips between breeding seasons.

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因纽特人极地理事会是一个非政府组织,代表着约15万的因纽特人。The Inuit Circumpolar Council is a non-governmental organization that represents about 150, 000 Inuit.

南极环极环流和反环流的残差-平均解。Residual-mean solutions for the antarctic circumpolar current and its associated overturning circulation.

而德里克海峡绕极流的体积输运则代表了太平洋和大西洋两大洋之间通过德里克海峡的水量交换。The water transportation by the circumpolar current at the Passage reflects the exchange volume between the Pacific and Atlantic.

冰间湖和冰间水道的产生和发展在很大程度上可能会影响到整个航路的融冰开始时间。The variation and distribution of polynya and Circumpolar Flaw Lead might effect the beginning time of sea ice melting of the whole passage in great extent.

本文概括了近几十年来,关于德里克海峡附近绕极流研究的进展。For past dozens of years the researches on the circumpolar current at the Drake Passage, which links the Pacific and Atlantic off the Antarctic are reviewed.

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首先,环南极洋流的一支——马尔维纳斯寒流向北流动,流经南美洲大陆架的边缘。First, the chilly Malvinas Current, a north-flowing branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, flows north along the edge of the South American continental shelf.

北极狐生活在临近北极的陆地上,从加拿大北部的埃尔斯米尔岛到南部的詹姆斯湾都能发现它们的踪迹。It lives in all the lands of the circumpolar Arctic. In Canada, this small mammal is found from the northern tip of Ellesmere Island to the southern tip of James Bay.

当地球完全停止转动时,海水将向两极倒灌,淹没整个芝加哥北部和布宜诺斯艾利斯南部,在极圈附近造成两处新的海洋。As the spin stopped, the oceans would all fall back toward the poles, drowning everything north of Chicago and south of Buenos Aires and creating two massive circumpolar oceans.

确定了普里兹湾夏季近岸水,普里兹湾夏季表层水,普里兹湾陆架水和南极绕极深层水的范围、深度和温盐特性。And water masses within and north of Prydz Bay are identified as summer coastal surface water, the Prydz Bay winter water, the Prydz Bay shelf water, and the Circumpolar Deep Water.

我们甚至无法描述我们所看到的东西。希拉·瓦特格拉奇尔说。她是因纽特人极地地区会议组织的主席,代表加拿大、阿拉斯加、格陵兰和俄罗斯地区的15.5万人。We cant even describe what we re seeing, said Sheila Watt Cloutier, chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference which says it represents155,000people in Canada, Alaska, Greenland and Russia.