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堂和帕吉是舞蹈演员吗?Are Don and Peggy dancers?

佩吉·奥伦斯坦认为确实如此。Peggy Orenstein thinks so.

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最后,保罗终于劝住了佩琪。At last, Paul advised Peggy.

她要上培基的网页。She"s going to Peggy"s page.

书改变了俞渝的生活。BOOKS changed Peggy Yu's life.

你和佩姬还说话吗?Are you and Peggy still talking?

书改变了俞渝的生活。BOOKS changed Peggy Yuwouls life.

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来吧,佩姬·苏。再试一次。Come on, Peggy Sue. Try it again.

我同情裴吉.沃伦斯坦的女儿。I pity Peggy Orenstein’s daughter.

珮姬很喜欢在夏天潜水。Peggy loves to dive in the summer.

几分钟以后,佩吉回来了。A few minutes later, Peggy returned.

我现在叫佩姬,佩姬·鲍戴尔。But call me Peggy. Peggy Bodell now.

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Peggy把小狗抱到台子上。Peggy lifted the pup onto the table.

“我不知道,”佩吉回答。“I'm not sure, ” Peggy replied.“I've

杰克用行动电话打电话给佩姬。Jack is calling Peggy on his cell phone.

大家好,我是来自威斯康辛州格拉夫顿的PEGGY。Hi, I'm Peggy. I'm from Grafton, Wisconsin.

佩吉和我在地板上坐下来,把包裹打开。Peggy and I sat on the floor and opened them.

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培基是英国伦敦一所学校的学生。Peggy is a school student in London, England.

Peggy似乎并没有注意到我惊呆了的状态。Peggy seemed not to notice my state of shock.

你看过佩姬跑步吗?她是天生的运动员。Have you seen Peggy run? She is a born athlete.