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我有两个哥哥和一个姊姊。I have tow bather and one sister.

在这里沐浴可以体会到冲浪浴的乐趣。The bather might have had the feel of a surf bath.

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跳著,笑著,沿著海滩,第二十九个沐浴者来了。Dancing and laughing along the beach came the twenty-ninth bather.

痛苦的密密在于有闲工夫但心自己是幸福。The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bather about whether you are happy or not.

在另一项实验中他们发现受试人员都认为一个频繁洗澡的人不会是一个特别寂寞的人。In another study they found that subjects do not think of a frequent bather as a particularly lonely person.

淋浴者通常先将自己用水淋湿,以肥皂搓揉,最后用水及毛巾将自己洗净。The bather simply stands under the water, gets wet, scrubs with soap and often a washcloth, and then rinses off.

终于,看到木兰骑着她的汗马,远远地走来,我跟花李氏慌忙的催着她沐浴、梳洗、好好地打扮一下。Finally Mulan came riding up on her horse, Khan. Fa Li and I hustled her off to the bather , hairdresser, and dressmaker.

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我改变工作计划,找运输公司,联系肿瘤病医生、心脏病医生、晚期病人收容机构,联系购买。I changed my work schedule, found transportation, an oncologist, cardiologist, hospice care, medical equipment, a caregiver and bather.

这再发明的浴缸利用沟渠让水循环,形成瀑布效应抚慰并契合洗澡者。This reinvention of the soaking bath uses an overflow channel to recirculate water, creating a waterfall effect that soothes and engages the bather.

一轮热和冷交替不同状态的处理,沐浴者在肥皂泡遮眼睛的情况下能方便调整水温,而不会使自己被烫伤或受凉。Different-shaped handles, square for hot and round for cold, would permit the soapy-eyed bather to adjust water temperature without alternately scalding or freezing himself.