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公安局系统正确上传。PSB System Upload correctly.

上传数据啦,万岁!Time to upload my data. Hooray!

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你所要做的是上传一张图片。What you do is upload a picture.

时间管理—持续上传时间。Time Management- last upload time.

将文件上传到你的主题目录中。Upload file to your themes directory.

接下来,将文件上传到目录。Next, upload the files to the catalog.

您还可以删除或上载文档。You also can delete or upload documents.

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上传页面展示了两个上传对话框。The upload page shows two upload dialogs.

将会把更多公司样品及库存上载旺铺。I will upload more samples and stock here.

请确保将这些变更上传到服务器。Be sure to upload the changes to the server.

经批准的作者可以上载书籍的更新。Approved authors can upload updates of books.

不要上传对其他的追踪者的我们奔流。Do not upload our torrents to other trackers.

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记住,在上传之后就不能再更改它。Remember, it can't be changed once you upload.

可不可以,把你的网格图传上来看看,谢谢!I can not upload it! please tell me your email.

请上载以JPG格式完成之作品。Please upload your final artwork in JPG format.

于网站及讨论区之档案上传工能已经开放。File upload in Portal and Forum is ready to use.

谢谢!很受用,请问有否第二集?。Excellent, Please upload the series. Many Thanks.

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把你的电子名片上传到服务器和提供你的网页地址。Upload your vCard to a server and supply the url.

上传的徽标将显示在您的主页。The logo you upload is displayed on your main page.

此网站本身可以是一个简单的文件上载页面。The website itself can be a simple file upload page.