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例如,我们现有的,美国货币监理署。For example, we have the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

委员会无法威胁联邦法庭,因为他们有审计官。The board couldn't buffalo the federal courts as it had the Comptroller.

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他的父亲是一名男爵和主皇家实验室在格林威治。His father was a baronet and Comptroller of the Royal laboratory at Greenwich.

你是个出类拔萃的稽核员,在我见到过的跟数字和钞票打交道的人当中,你是头等的。You're a topflight comptroller , the best numbers and money man I know anywhere.

除了通走廊的门,办公室另外还有两扇门,一扇门上写着“审计主任”。The office had two other doors besides the one to the corridor, on one was "Comptroller."

这个通货局局长颁布命令规定银行要求信用卡的最低付款余额。The comptroller made it mandatory for banks to require minimum payments on credit card balances.

三位法官组成地方法院的判决中指出,总审计长的过程中的作用是违宪的。A three-judge district court ruled that the comptroller general's role in the process was unconstitutional.

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纽约州主计长表示,"虽然纽约州经济正在增长,但还不够快。"The State Comptroller said that although "New York's economy is improving," it is not doing so "fast enough."

最后,在监管方面有一点值得提及的变化就是在2005年12月美国财政部通货局局长作为这个触发器。Finally, a little-noted change in regulations by the comptroller of the currency in December 2005 acted as the trigger.

尤金·路德维格,前任货币监理署长,他相信新法的影响将会深刻改变银行的业务模式。Eugene Ludwig, a former comptroller ofthe currency, believes the new law’s impact will be “profound” in changing theway banks do business.

纽约主计长在其报告中估计,纽约市八个工作岗位中有一个、纽约州13个工作岗位中有一个来自于证券公司.New York's comptroller estimated in his report that one in eight New York City jobs and one in 13 New York State jobs depends on securities firms.

其诉讼中指出,对州政府“并无怨恨”,并且表示相信州审计办公室拒绝付赔偿金是“一个诚实的错误”。His lawsuit specifies that he “holds no grudge” against the state, and adds that he believes the comptroller “made an honest error” in denying his claim.

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“他们要决定什么他们的标准是”,拂晓克拉克·Netsch说,曾经是一个伊利诺州的民主党议员和会计检查官的西北大学的一个政治学家。They'll have to decide what their standard is, " said Dawn Clark Netsch, a political scientist at Northwestern University who was once a Democratic lawmaker and comptroller of Illinois."