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一个鱼钩?A fishhook?

然后我卖了他一个中等鱼钩。Then I sold him a medium fishhook.

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我看见她眉头皱得像只鱼钩。I caught the edge of her frown like a fishhook.

首先,我们选择了一个好地方,然后我父亲帮我把蚯蚓挂在鱼钩上。First, we chose a good place. Then my father helped me put an earthworm onto the fishhook.

本发明涉及鱿钓钩渔具,一种新型伸缩式鱿钓钩设计。The invention relates to a squid fishhook, in particular to a novel retractable squid fishhook design.

很浓郁的咖啡味会像你的睡裤后面有一个鱼钩一样把你从床上钓出来。The strong scent of strong coffee will pull you out of bed like a fishhook in the back of your pajamas.

鱼钩分几个方向将鱼的嘴巴钩住,怎么也吐不出来。The fishhook hooks the mouth of the fish from several directions, and thus, the hook can not be spit anyhow.

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在恺撒的指挥下,鱼钩和众人闷住声不吭气,终干一桨又一桨划到了一座陌生的小岛。Under the command of Caesar, Fishhook and others remained silent and paddled the boat to the strange island.

通过介绍鱼钩的制作工艺,提出鱼钩用钢丝的技术要求。Technology requirements of steel wire for fishhook are put forward by introducing production process of fishhook.

本发明公开了一种用于垂钓的鱼钩。The invention discloses a fishhook for fishing, in particular to a retractable and expandable explosion fishhook.

一种把羽毛、金银丝和彩线粘在鱼钓上制成的伪装成苍蝇的鱼饵。A fishing lure simulating a fly, made by attaching materials such as feathers, tinsel, and colored thread to a fishhook.

鱼钩听了恺撒的安排,立刻引着咱们拐到一个隐秘的角落。Fishhook was brought to Caesar and listened to the arrangement. He ushered us to a secret corner, where a lifeboat anchored.

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他们见我神秘兮兮把鱼钩叫走,便静静尾随过来,也想跟着恺撒分开这只惹长短的船。Seeing that I asked Fishhook away mysteriously, they followed us secretly and now they wanted to leave this troublous corsair with Caesar.

一种采用带铒钩的鱼钩的全自动弹力钓鱼器,属于钓鱼器材。The utility model relates to a full-automatic elastic fishing device which adopts a fishhook with a baited hook and belongs to the fishing device.

对于姓威基伍的人来说,关心所有低人一等的事物几乎就是一个宗教信条,他们告诉小达尔文说,在把蚯蚓穿在鱼钩上前,需要把它泡在盐水里使它安乐死。Concern for all things lowly was almost an article of faith for the Wedgwood cousins, who taught young Darwin to euthanize earthworms in brine before impaling them on a fishhook.