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更高层次的成分是语态Morphology is the next level up.

语音是声音,语态则是词Phonology is sounds. Morphology is words.

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中国藤黄科植物花粉形态的研究。Pollen morphology of Guttiferae in China.

梨属植物花粉形态的观察研究。Observation on pollen morphology of Pyrus.

银莲花属花粉形态的研究。Studies on pollen morphology of Anemone L.

杨属树种花粉形态的研究。Study on the pollen morphology of Populus.

银杉的染色体数目和形态。Chromosome numbers and morphology in Cathaya.

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定态波函数形态特征。Morphology of stationary state eigenfunction.

杜鹃花科花粉粒之形态。Title Pollen grain morphology in the Ericaceae.

台湾凤尾蕨科之孢子形态。Title Spore morphology of Formosan Pteridaceae.

其特征形态是微坑、抛物线和裂纹带分枝。The fracture morphology was investigated by SEM.

点蚀形貌是敏锐的条纹状花样。The morphology of pits are sharp streak pattern.

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唐松草属花粉形态的研究。A study on the pollen morphology of Thalictrum L.

国产省藤属植物的叶表皮形态学。Leaf Epidermis Morphology of the Genus Calamus L.

标题金花茶植株形态学的研究。The study on the morphology of Camellia chrysantha.

睾丸组织学表现为唯支持细胞综合征。Morphology of testes are sertoli cell only syndrome.

第三部分有3章,谈词类和词素。Part 3 is concerned with word classes and morphology.

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菌体形态和t-PA的产生密切相关。The morphology had relationship with t-PA production.

词素是形态学研究的最基本的单位。Morpheme is the basic unit in the study of morphology.

无患子科花粉形态的研究。A contribution to the pollen morphology of Sapindaceae.