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他去他们的会议起哄。He went to heckle at their meetings.

那天,我听到观众中有人大声吹口哨向我起哄。I heard some of the audience heckle me with loud whistles.

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一小群小青年没走,在起哄、叫骂。A small group of youths stayed behind to heckle and shout abuse.

这番冒犯性的话实际上是一名观众的诘难。The offending comment was in fact a heckle from an audience member.

记者想用那些让人难为情的问题来刁难这位候选人。The reporter wants to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing question.

记者想用那些让人难为情的问题来刁难这位候选人。The reporter wanted to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing questions.

同时也是从现代信息社会的角度对欧洲古典油画材料技法进行一个学习和梳理的过程。Meantime, it is a process of study and heckle from the angle of modem industrial society.

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成功的幽默家就好比不受宗教约束的萨满——他们都能一手为社会制造困难,一手解决困难。Good humorists are basically secular shamans—they both heckle society on one hand and heal it on the other.

在“演习”时,你应该鼓励听众刁难你,提出最艰涩、残酷的问题。You should encourage audience members in mock-ups to heckle you and ask the toughest, meanest questions imaginable.

苏妮诘问玛塔为什么哭,玛塔说由于她们在一同就想起了父母,拉娜姐,想到他们的喜欢再也没有了。SuNi heckle marta why cry, marta said because they together to think of the parents, Lana elder sister, thought of their like is no more.

英浩偶尔来到利文洞,看到惠珍后大吃一惊,他诘问儿子发作了什么工作,东勋连声说对不起。YingHao occasionally came to the hole, see the HuiZhen horror, he heckle son attack any work, gentlemen say I'm sorry bother to the east.

纵然伍兹已经从他去年的性丑闻中脱身,偶然也会有粉丝诘问他,但从未有粉丝越过围栏靠近他。Even as he returned last year from a sex scandal, and the occasional fan would should heckle him, Woods never had a fan duck under the ropes and approach him.

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晚上昭阳忽然惊呼,银屏向她诘问终究,昭阳指本人造了一个「恶梦」,而梦中人居然是多禄。Night suddenly exclaimed, screen zhaoyang to her heckle after all, means the zhaoyang artificial a "nightmare", and a few wrong people incredibly is Paul more.

本章着重分析和探讨了这一时期党的非公有制经济政策不断出现曲折反复的深层动因及其经验教训。This Chapter analyse emphatically the deep reason of the non-public economic policy of the party developing in heckle and summarize the experience and lessons.

Schultheiss说“或许挑逗者通过其他人脸上短暂的‘气恼表情’获得满足而被鼓励,因此将继续刁难那个人来一次又一次的获得那种表情。Perhaps teasers are reinforced by that fleeting 'annoyed look' on someone else's face and therefore will continue to heckle that person to get that look again and again.

家明神不守舍,国栋与玫瑰诘问下家明说出喜欢上了晶晶,他更为了见晶晶决议辞去职务,欲转到高瞻做办公室助理。Her home, countries with the house rose heckle next homes and like jingjing out, he saw more the jingjing resolution to resign, turn to high giuliano do office assistant.