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哪国国家是富于幻想的?What nation is a fanciful nation?

而且这个不完全是胡思乱想。And this is not altogether fanciful.

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我自己假想的想法却无所适从。I am self fanciful ideas but bewilder.

他会当场编造出一些稀奇古怪的货名。He would invent fanciful names on the spot.

风把烟卷成一个个奇怪的旋涡。The wind curled the smoke in fanciful whorls.

其他增加收入的渠道似乎同样富于幻想。Other revenue-raisers look similarly fanciful.

镜花水月中的倒影。In the fanciful reflection of the moonlit water.

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那些故事都是假的,全是一派胡言。That story about a trip to the moon is fanciful.

我们喜欢他是因为他有一肚子稀奇古怪的故事。We love him because he is full of fanciful stories.

这里的洞穴令人遐想,还有稀有的水晶石。There are huge fanciful caves with rare crystals here.

她认为他的恐惧和颤抖是离奇和幼稚的。She considered his fear and trembling fanciful and childish.

栏杆里有一些古雅精致的小建筑物。Over the parapet showed quaint and fanciful little buildings.

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⊙、爱情是这样充满了意象,在一切事物中是最富于幻想的。Love is so full of imagery, in all things is the most fanciful.

爱玄想的熊猫迷对于盆状仪表板的全长感到发急。the fanciful panda fan panics over the span of the pan-like panel.

花哨的坎肩上配搭着一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣。It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons.

爱幻想的熊猫迷对盆状仪表板的全长感到恐慌.The fanciful panda fan panics over the span of the pan-like panel.

麦迪逊的背景资料使得警方对事件的描述显得有些荒诞。The Madisons' background made the police's version of events seem fanciful.

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未来数月乃至数年里,一些令我们感到不可思议的情形似乎会不可避免的发生。What seems fanciful today may seem inevitable in the months and years ahead.

海洋的潮汐把阿拉斯加沿海流域梳理成为奇特的漩涡和螺旋环。Ocean tides comb the waters of coastal Alaska into fanciful eddies and whorls.

"有那么多关于星座的奇特的事被记载下来"她说。"It's a shame that so many fanciful things have been written about the zodiac," she says.