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由两个或多个心皮形成的开裂干果。A dry, dehiscent fruit composed of more than one carpel.

任何开裂的干果,尤指荚果或蓇葖果。Any dry, dehiscent fruit, especially a legume or follicle.

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果单个的或成对的,很少3簇生,沿着背面的缝有时开裂。Fruit single or in pairs, rarely 3- fascicled , sometimes dehiscent along abaxial suture.

果实或子实体在成熟时裂开释放出种子或孢子的现象。Dehiscent Describing a fruit or fruiting body that opens at maturity to release the seeds or spores.

它已经把这里描述为一瘦果,因为它不裂,与一典型,开裂的蓇葖果相反。It is described here as an achene because it is indehiscent, as opposed to a typical, dehiscent follicle.

由单个心皮形成的通常沿两条缝开裂的干果,如豆荚。A dry dehiscent fruit derived from a single carpel and usually opening along two lines of dehiscence as a pea pod.

本文报告一49岁男性,在例行健康检查时,发现右耳鼓膜后面,鎚骨柄下方有一半球形暗黑色肿块。In this paper, a case of dehiscent jugular bulb presenting as an asymptomatic retrotympanic bluish mass in the right ear of a 49-year-old male is reported.

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果皮腐烂,在原位释放出种子或是果子被动物吃掉后,完整的种子随动物粪便排出。The fruit wall either decays releasing the seeds in situ, or the fruit is eaten by an animal and the seeds pass out intact in its droppings. Compare dehiscent.

果实或子实体在成熟时裂开释放出种子或孢子的现象。激烈的开裂可以帮助种子的传播。比较。Dehiscent Describing a fruit or fruiting body that opens at maturity to release the seeds or spores. Dehiscence may be violent to aid seed dispersal. Compare indehiscent.

成熟花药开裂的能力与花药裂口细胞的大小、形态有关,同时又与成熟花粉囊壁的表皮细胞和纤维层细胞的可塑性结构功能有关。The capacity of dehiscent anther was determined to the size and the morpha of anther stomium cell, epidermal cell and fibrous stratum's plastic property of the pollen sac wall.

不同灌溉方式与不同修剪措施等对不同品种裂果率的影响不同,水分的剧烈变化造成生长的不均衡是导致裂果的主要原因。The different irrigation and pruning measures have great effects on the nectarine dehiscent fruit and the main reason of dehiscent is the growth unbalance caused by great variegation of the water.