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他们是装配工。They is assembler.

编译器或汇编器的输出。The output of a compiler or assembler.

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本文介绍一个宏汇编程序。This article presents a macro assembler.

汇编程序创建了两个自定义部分The assembler creates two custom sections

我想找做电器装配工的工作。I’m looking for work as an electronics assembler.

这些系统程序当中有一种叫做编译程序。What's the difference between an assembler and compiler?

用汇编程序产生机器语言的过程。Utilizing an assembler to produce a machine-language program.

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汇编语言是一种符号化的机器语言。The assembler language is a kind of symbolic machine language.

汇编程序在预汇编时对其求值的一种表达式。An expression that an assembler evaluates at pre -assembly time.

道生机器语言,机器语言生汇编嚣。The assembler translates symbolic language into machine language.

其实,我不能再挤,即使在组装的水平。Actually, I could not squeeze any more, even at the assembler level.

汇编语言是一种计算机高级语言。L0. The assembler language is a kind of computer high-level language.

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对于频率计的软件部分,是用汇编语言设计而成的。The software part of the cymometer was designed in assembler language.

一种汇编器特有的各种宏形式和其他结构Various forms of macros and other constructs particular to an assembler

这就告诉编译器将给定的符号和给定的值对等起来。This tells the assembler to equate the given symbol with the given value.

本例中,汇编程序模板由汇编指令组成。In this example, the assembler template consists of assembly instructions.

电子钟汇编程序,是属于开发板的一种小例子!Electronics assembler bell, belong to the development board are a small example!

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但是,再说一次,我们也可以用汇编或在打卡带来实现同样的编程。But then again, we can also code in assembler or by toggling bits into a front panel.

在单片机上实现音乐的播放,比较长,而且是用汇编写的代码,得仔细一点看!In SCM music on the player long, and is written in assembler code, in carefully Look!

道生机器语言,机器语言生汇编器。The Tao gave birth to machine language. Machine language gave birth to the assembler.