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我正在接受教育。I am being educated.

弟弟和我都是读过书、有教养的孩子。My brother and I are educated.

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我们是在这种腐化堕落中受的教育。We are educated in this corruption.

处女座的人非常聪明、有教养。Virgos are very bright and educated.

他叫了起来,你可是个文明人。He continued. You are an educated man.

他在史丹福大?W受教育。He was educated at Stanford University.

它的人民是受过教育的表现优越者。Its people are educated high-achievers.

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因为你受的教育太多了,博士。Because you're so goddamned educated doc.

阿尔科特在家里接受教育的她的父亲。Alcott was educated at home by her father.

1969年,我从美国商业海洋学院毕业了。Academy in 1969, my educated dad was happy.

让自己的孩子接受希腊式教育。They educated their children in Greek ways.

是全公社知青中的第一对。It is one of complete commune educated youth.

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新田的社会教会了我很多东西。The society of Xintian has educated me a lot.

他们需要被上课教育。They need to be teached a lesson and educated.

使在场的每一位员工都深受感动和教育。Every employee had deeply touched and educated.

公元前343年成为亚里士多德的学生。He was educated by Aristotle, beginning in 343.

他还来到耶鲁大学进修了一段时间神学He was educated in Theology at Yale for awhile.

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大学文凭并不意味着你受完教育了。A college diploma does not mean you are educated.

⊙、书到用时方恨少,学富五车不为多。Books to time square hate less, the educated not.

李培德,香港出生和长大。Dr. Lee Pui-tak was born and educated in Hong Kong.