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出埃及可能是真的发生过的吗?Could the Exodus really have happened?

是哪个圣经人物带领了出埃及记?Which Biblical figure led the exodus from Egypt?

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谁是张新明出逃的幕后推手?Who is Zhang Xinming driving force behind the exodus?

无疑这其中包括出埃及记20中的十戒。Of course, this includes the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20.

更高的收购价可以认为是阻止这种外流的代价,因此也算值得。The higher bid was a price deemed worth paying to stop the exodus.

这些话语间接地回忆古远的埃及和出埃及的事件。These words allude to the primal memories of Egypt and the Exodus.

出新卡布里卡时,罗斯林登上那艘飞船逃脱?Aboard what ship does Roslin escape during the exodus from New Caprica?

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伦敦的人才流掉水平丝绝不逊于纽约。In London, the exodus of talent has been no less acute than in New York.

今天选读的出谷纪片段多次提到「第三天」。"The third day" is mentioned several times in today's reading from Exodus.

这些人正在逃窜,并且企图阻挡平民离开这一地区。They are on the run and trying to block the exodus of civilians from the area.

在过去的一年当中,众多日本汽车巨头纷纷退出让赛车运动倍受打击。Motor sport has been hit by an exodus of Japanese companies over the past year.

因此全家人的雅各迁往埃及和住在这里,直到外流。Thus the whole family of Jacob moved to Egypt and lived there until the Exodus.

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但是如果说可能有中国制造业的向外转移的情况出现,也不会是一次大转移。But if there is a migration of manufacturing from China, it is hardly an exodus.

而到目前为止,还没有出现有大批超级党代表放弃支持奥巴马的现象。To date, there has been no mass exodus of super-delegate support away from Obama.

他们是否在逃离埃及之后到达此地,文中并没有暗示。Whether they arrived there after an exodus from Egypt is not of course indicated.

这是出埃及记中的关于会幕的故事,“法柜的帐幕This refers to the stories in Exodus about the tabernacle, "the tent of testimony."

阐释之章节选自创世记、出埃及记、利未记、民数记及申命记。Exegesis of selected passages from genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy.

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在今年初秋一场沸沸扬扬的大规模离职中,约有70名员工辞职。In a well-publicized exodus earlier this autumn, nearly 70 business employees resigned.

世贸双塔的倒塌加快了大公司撤出曼哈顿下城的步伐。The collapse of the twin towers accelerated the big firms' exodus from Lower Manhattan.

同样道理,不把出埃及记当作一个纯粹的历史事件并不会妨碍我欣赏这个故事。In the same way, I can celebrate the Exodus without seeing it as a purely historic event.