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每当我忘记了的时候,事情好像就乱了套一样。Anytime I forget this, things seem to unravel.

然后开始探索让你自己从这些不必要的行为中脱身而出的方法。Then, start to explore ways to unravel yourself from it.

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幸运地,我们快速解决吃饭问题的习惯已开始被怀疑。Fortunately,our quick-fix eating habits have started to unravel.

这是一个相当聪明的办法,解开了这部电影背后的谜团。It's a pretty clever way to unravel the mystery behind the movie.

到现在科学家们才知道了怎样可以取得有关问题的答案。But only now do scientists have the know-how to unravel the answers.

解开扎绳,捏住粽叶柄环绕剥开即可。Unravel the strand, pinch the leaf steam, and peel the circled leaf.

然而,有两个女人闯入了宾厄姆的世界,事情开始发生变化。But then two women enter Bingham's world, and things begin to unravel.

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数字电压表,电压监控,断电记忆记数器,避免前功尽弃。Digital voltmeter, voltage monitor, Off memory counter, Avoid unravel.

你在为他们工作,但还算不上正式地为他们工作,因为交易随时可能取消。But you’re not yet working for them. At any moment the deal can unravel.

神的话字字重千钧,拨开迷雾照亮我的心。Precious are God's words that unravel life's mystery and lighten my heart.

人们希望通过这次探索来解开关于水星这一小小陌生世界的一些谜团。The goal is to unravel some of the mysteries of this strange little world.

成长在腿部开口的袖口,解开2“延长裤长像男孩的成长。Grow cuffs at leg openings unravel 2" to extend length of pant as boys grow."

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人们因此担心存在十年的欧洲货币联盟可能破裂。That has sparked fears that Europe's decade-old monetary union could unravel.

发梢开叉是角质层受损和皮层的纤维开裂所致。Split ends occur when the cuticle is damaged and the fibres of the cortex unravel.

我们必须收拾他们的烂摊子,还要装着他们没有错的样子,心甘情愿地做这些。We must pick up the pieces when matters unravel and pretend it is not their fault.

书籍的故事剧情跟角色发展千迴百转。Books whose plot and character development unravel through endless twists and turns.

卢克·天行者对他使用绝地控心术后,他的饭碗开始保不住了。His career began to unravel when Luke Skywalker targeted him with a Jedi mind trick.

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即使美国宇航局准备解开有关水星的一个大秘密,其他人将徊徘。Even as NASA prepares to unravel one major mystery about Mercury, others will linger.

这篇论文则侧重从心理学的角度来揭开伽利玛的死亡之谜。This essay attempts to unravel Gallimard's death from a psychoanalytical perspective.

这位古老的贤人甚至可能帮助我们解决现代社会的中心矛盾,她补充道。The old sage may even help us to unravel one of modernity’s central paradoxes, she adds.