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这个栏杆是白色的。This parapet is white.

他探过身子去听她说话。He went to the parapet and leaned over.

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建议安装护栏起到防撞的效果。The proposed installation of a parapet cushioning effect.

栏杆里有一些古雅精致的小建筑物。Over the parapet showed quaint and fanciful little buildings.

外侧是几乎高出两米的齿装城墙。The outer parapet is crenelated with merlons almost 2 m high.

一只乌鸫飞下来,停在他窗外的矮墙上。A blackbird flew down and perched on the parapet outside his window.

我看见她痛苦的脸靠在栏杆上,我朝她笑笑,让她放心。I saw her agonized face over the parapet , and smiled to reassure her.

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一只鸽子问另一只经常往北边防护矮墙张望的鸽子。inquired one pigeon of another which was peering over the edge of the north parapet.

准备拆除护墙板前,专家再次要他确认是否下定了决心。To dismantle parapet walls panels, experts again to confirm whether he made a commitment.

你穿过一道低矮的石门,跨过一堵年久破旧的矮墙进到里面。You entered through a low stone door, stepping over a parapet which was worn down through time.

桥紧靠在城堡的山岗下,又高又狭,沿栏杆竖起了几个小尖塔,显得古色古香。The bridge is close under the castle hill, an old, high, narrow bridge with pinnacles along the parapet.

在施工屋面女儿墙四周标好应作隔热层的厚度及坡度。In the construction of roof parapet around good standard should be the thickness of insulation and slope.

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她走到矮墙编在那喊儿如她曾做过百次的那样俯视着城市。She went to the parapet and stood there gazing down upon the city as she had done a hundred times before.

他一只手扶在屋顶四周的矮栏杆上,另一只手按在点三八口径手枪的枪柄上。He had one hand thrown back over the low parapet surrounding the roof. The other was on the butt of his . 38.

那天早晨,他离开了第七棵树,走去坐在哥白兰河边的石栏上。That morning he had quitted the seventh tree and had seated himself on the parapet of the River des Gobelins.

海洋般的面孔在期盼着他的一顾,但大部分时间里都看不到他,他在栏杆后面喝茶。A sea of faces sought a glimpse of him, but most of the time he stayed out of sight, sipping tea behind a parapet.

回顾2006年,漫长的2008年总统大选一拉开帷幕,他们就迫不及待地挺身而出了。Once the long 2008 presidential campaign kicked off back in 2006, they weren't slow to stick their heads above the parapet.

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后来,布莱克被狂风巨浪吓坏了,他冲向栏杆,纵身往下面的岩礁上跳去。Then, appalled by the battering of wind and waves, Blake had rushed to the parapet and flung himself on to the rocks below.

文章对砖混结构女儿墙裂缝的成因进行分析,并提出了预防的措施和治理方法。This paper analyzes the reasons of parapet crack of brick structure, and puts forward the preventive measure and treatment.

王某请求判令二被告缩小设置广告牌尺寸,不超过现有护墙高度。Two defendants surnamed Wang request any size reduction of billboards, not to exceed the current height of the parapet wall.