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亨利跳下椅子,吃了他的奥利奥。Henryjumps off the chair and eats his Oreo.

奥利奥巧克力威化是奥利奥家族的新成员。Oreo chocolate Wafer is a new member of the family.

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不知怎的,我从来不喜欢与它的奥利奥奶油白色。Somehow, I never liked the Oreo with the white cream in it.

为了我的奥迪,你的迪奥,咱孩子的奥利奥。努力!奋斗!To my Audi, your Dior, our children's Oreo. Efforts! The struggle!

在奥利奥的管装奶油包装里灌满牙膏请别人吃。Replace Oreo cream-filling with toothpaste and offer one to someone.

的桌子上还有一包没有开过的奥利奥,保佑他。W. also keeps an unopened package of Oreo cookies in his desk, bless him.

以香蕉片和巧克力,旁边以奥立奥饼乾装饰。Decorate with banana slices and chocolate, sides with halved oreo biscuits.

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奥利奥饼干会使你在三个小时或者更短时间内对糖有强烈的渴望。Oreo cookies will set you up for craving more sugar within 3 hours or less.

的桌子上还有一包没有开过的奥利奥,保佑他。D. W. also keeps an unopened package of Oreo cookies in his desk, bless him.

你可以通过从你的膳食中减去一罐啤酒、30片洋芋片和一包奥利奥奶油夹心巧克力饼干来减掉500卡路里一天。Cut 500 today by eliminating one can of beer, 30 chips, and one Oreo from your diet.

一个不喜欢夹心的物理学家制造出了世界上第一台奥利奥夹心分离机。A cookie-favoring physicist has created what appears to be the world's first Oreo separator.

如果您喜欢“奥利奥”饼干,您将会爱上这个纸杯蛋糕!If you like Oreo cookies, you will love this cupcake. Oreos are crushed and blended into a moist cake.

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这种新产品由四片薄脆的威化饼干组成,中间配以香草和巧克力奶油夹心,最外层包裹着巧克力。The new Chinese Oreo was four layers of crispy wafer filled with vanilla and chocolate cream, coated in chocolate.

我们都体验过那种对食物迫切的渴望,无论它是冰淇淋、炸薯条还是甜品。We've all experienced those strong urges for a particular food -- whether it be ice cream, greasy French fries, or Oreo cookies.

那天晚些时候,我们来到了迈克尔那间小小的校外公寓。I broached the question later that night at his small off-campus apartment, where we sat in his barren kitchen eating Oreo cookies.

一项最新的产品是使用纸板外壳对奥利奥饼干屑分层并撒上蜡一样的物质而形成。One recent creation is constructed out of a cardboard-based crust layered in Oreo cookie crumbs and drizzled with a wax-like substance.

您也可以补他与零食篮子您喜欢钓鱼干杯芝麻饼干、牛肉干、腌花生、饼干夹心。You can also fill his basket with snacks for your angler like toasted sesame seed crackers, beef jerky, salted peanuts, and Oreo cookies.

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我们团中的一对夫妻选择了安静的屋顶平台,有冰爽的麦旋风冰淇淋,Dan继续找他渴望的奥利奥。A couple of us opted for the calm of the roof terrace followed by a cooling McFlurry and Dan went on a mission to quench his Oreo craving.

只要99美分,你就可以吃到油炸奥利奥曲奇,并品尝浸透了油的三明治精华曲奇。For a mere 99 cents, treat your refined palette to some deep-fried Oreo cookies, and taste what happens when a sandwich creme cookie drowns in oil.

如果用户说,埃菲尔铁塔,结果可能变为奥利奥曲奇,而且在这些例子中,有多少是你们的语音翻译,无法处理的呢?If the user said Eiffel Tower it could end up Oreo cookie and how many of those instances are just something that your voice translation can't handle?