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所以我们必须不懈地探索深究。So we must dig and delve unceasingly.

现在我们来更详细地研究一下上述的每个方面。We'll now delve into each of these in more detail.

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他拥有相当多的伊丽莎白时期的藏书供其钻研。He had a considerable Elizabethan library to delve in.

下面一页我们将探究一下动物行为学的世界。On the next page, we'll delve into the world of ethology.

让我们更深层次一点来探究这个吸引人的争论。Let's delve into this fascinating dispute a little deeper.

如果真想知道事情的个中缘由就需要深一层的钻研了。Delve a little deeper if you really want to know the score.

然后,您就可以深入研究应用程序的创建。Then you can delve into the creation of the application itself.

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我们必须深入探究他的精神状态,找到错觉的根源。We must delve into his mind and find the source of his delusions.

他们必须深入研究患者回答“是”或“否”背后的意思。They must delve into what it means when a patient answers yes or no.

作为一牧羊座,有时,你达不到他们的。As an Aries, sometimes you don't delve down to their emotional depth.

接着我们就会融入到这个温暖而又充满着爱的大同世界。Then we'll delve deep into the warm and welcoming world of synchrony.

这就是生活的一部分,过去我们浑浑噩噩渡过,并不愿意深究它。It's a part of life that we sometimes shuffle past and don't delve into.

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在深入探讨模拟对象之前,让我们先来看一下以下两点异议。Let's look at the first two objections before we delve into mock objects.

深入思考,以想明白为什么你感觉到你的这种感觉。Delve deep into your thoughts to understand why you feel the way you feel.

通过大喇叭和短途旅行,我们能深入到这里的复杂境况之中。Speakers and excursions delve into the true complexity of the situation here.

近来发现了一号坑向外延伸的坑道的作用,彻底否定了祭祀坑说。The recent discovery of No. 1 Delve completely sublates the Sacrifice Theory.

对很多人来说,廉价店为挖掘出节约的时尚提供了一条容易的道路。For many people, thrift stores offer an easy way to delve into frugal fashion.

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所以我们必定要对佛法的潜修更深入一些,这叫做「深心」。So we must delve deeply into the practice of Dharma. This is a penetration mind.

首先,从国际教育,然后接着我就越来越深入,First, like International Education and then as I started delve in more and more,

打开你的心扉,深切摸索、探讨本身,富裕阐扬,尽其长处。Unlock your heart, delve into it, study it and make good use of it to the fullest.