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雷达转换至相对运动船首向上。Change radar to relative head-up.

在我们那个地区有一个雷达网。There is a radar net in our area.

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这个团队是他的盾牌,他的雷达。The team is his shield, his radar.

他们用雷达捕获了目标。They acquired the target by radar.

左转航向090雷达爬高。Turn left heading 090 radar climb.

我们从协调世界时0830时开始雷达搜寻。We start radar search at 0830 UTC.

可雷达或雷射枪被塞满了?。Can a Radar or Laser gun be jammed?

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雷达探测出一炮艇。A gunboat was detected by the radar.

LF1激光测距仪是一种光子雷达系统。LF1 LRF is a photon Radar system, t.

请用雷达引导进近。Please for Radar vectoring approach.

雷达转换至真运动北向上。Change radar to true motion north-up.

雷达转换至真运动航向向上。Change radar to true motion course-up.

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辅助雷达没有扫描线。The second radar has no sweeping line.

驾驶台两侧各有一个ARPA雷达。There is an ARPA radar on either side.

你能给我们雷达协助到BH吗?Can you give us radar assistance to BH?

海军的声纳兵,雷达兵等等。Navy sonar serviceman, radar and so on.

一架飞机出现在雷达萤幕上。An airplane appears on the radar screen.

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敌机被我们的雷达发现了。Enemy planes were picked up by our radar.

你只是大雷达上波动着的一个小红点。You are but a tiny blip on a giant radar.

一个几乎处在雷达探测边缘的小村庄。A country just over the edge of the radar.