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追溯人类文明的进步。Retrace the progress of civilization.

无暇的记忆将会放映再现。Which memory that errs not shall retrace.

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我们不应重走我们祖先走过的老路。We should not retrace the route our forefathers had taken.

如果原路折回到车子那里,就有可能寻回你的票。You might find your ticket if you retrace your steps back to the car.

一旦在新光天地找到引发想象力的东西,就会重走一遍路线。Once at Shin Kong find whatever takes your fancy, and then retrace route.

如果警方能沿嫌犯的路径重走一遍,就有可能破解案件。If the cops can retrace the suspect's path, they can potentially crack the case.

他不由得回想起和蓝汉之认识和交往的过程。It made him to retrace the process of his knowing and association with Lanhanzhi.

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当你追溯文明的进步时,你可能会遇到同样的问题。You may encounter the same question when you retrace the progress of civilization.

如果系统没有准确地分隔缺陷,重新再进行这些步骤。If the system is not accurately isolating the defects, retrace the steps and try again.

而当梦醒后,在现实中寻梦不成时,杜丽娘只有走向死亡。However, she could only go to death when she failed to retrace the dream in the reality.

不过,克德隆仍是人们追寻耶稣脚踪最让人感动的地方。Nevertheless, Kidron is a most moving place for anyone wishing to retrace Jesus' footsteps.

找到他,他们要原路,回到自己的放荡的场面。To find him, they have to retrace their steps and return to the scenes of their debauchery.

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黑玫瑰听得啸声,立时掉头,从来路奔了回去。On hearing the whistle, Black Rose immediately turned around and started to retrace the route.

于是我驾车返回小镇,重新按路线行驶。So I drove back to the town and began to retrace the route, taking frequent glances at the map.

回想一下当你开始这项工作的时候你的想法是什么。What were you thinking when you thought of doing this? Retrace your thoughts back to that moment.

卡廷卡看不清路,她迷失了方向,徒劳地想沿原路返回。Katinka could not see the way before her. She lost herself, and vainly tried to retrace her steps.

退回去,重新走那条骇人的已走过的路线,他已没有力气。He had not the strength to retrace his steps, to recommence the journey which he had already taken.

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有时候免费员工做错了事,该公司的老板克莉斯托•格林还得重新为他们收拾烂摊子,并且向被得罪的业务伙伴道歉。She's even had to retrace the missteps of unpaid staffers and apologize to alienated business partners.

记住折回,它必须在正常买、卖价滑动之外有一些意义。Keep in mind for the retrace that it must have some significance beyond a normal bid-and-offer slippage.

它并不能让人挖掘出几十年前的记忆、重新追索或取消人的成长。It does not allow someone to exhume memories that are decades old or to retrace or undo human development.