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不同民族与信仰的人们。Men of ev'ry creed and race.

我们的信条一直是公私分明。Our creed has always been that business is business.

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使徒信经就是这样一种对信仰的声明。The Apostle's Creed is one such declaration of faith.

哥林多人怎样以自己的教义去为他们所作的事辩护?。How did the Corinthian justify their acts with their creed?

使徒信经中包含有耶稣一生的剪影。The Apostles' Creed contains a short summary of Jesus' life.

关于反奴隶制的纲领你们要我说明哪一点呢?What point in the antislavery creed would you have me argue?

他提出的“穷伪略之理,极草纵之致”,正是他创制自家风格的艺术纲领。He brought out the art creed of creating with one's own style.

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此条法律没有种族、宗教、肤色歧视。The law does not discriminate against any race, creed or color.

是一种政治纲领和社会实践运动。Thirdly, it is a political creed and an asocial practical movement.

兴世达装饰设计师选定了简约主义风格。Xing Shida decorates stylist make choice of contracted creed style.

本育碧马茨显示了刺客的信条即将推出的版本。Ben Mattes of Ubisoft shows an upcoming version of Assassin's Creed.

新党章是新世纪新阶段与时俱进的伟大纲领。The Party's New Constitution is the great creed for the new century.

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我们为了信条中有太多不一致和动摇的地方而感到苦恼。We are vexed by too much inconsistency and vacillation in our creed.

多一点快的意识,少一点拖拉和完美主义。Many bits of fast consciousness, a bit less dilatory with perfect creed.

使徒信经和尼西亚信经提及到玛丽亚是“童贞女玛丽亚”。The Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed both refer to Mary as "the Virgin Mary".

我们要带着那永恒的信念,带着那使美国人民振作精神的信念,高声答道。We will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people.

党的基本纲领和最高纲领是辩证统一的。The basic guiding principle of the party and highest creed are adj and unified.

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雅正之旨是“温柔敦厚”诗教的核心,宋词的崇雅倾向正是孔子诗教理论在后代的回声。The tendency of esteem refined to Song-Ci is an echo of Confucian poetic creed.

恐怖,杀戮,斩首和古兰经中的憎恨都是他们所接受的教条。The horror, killings, beheadings and abominations of the Koran is the accepted creed.

但是他们所有的布道就是让一切回到原来赏罚的教旨之中。But one and all they preached a return to the stem tenets of the original desert creed.